DQAC Biomedical Engineering

We have constituted a Department Quality Assurance Cell for planning the upcoming semester and evaluating the department activities in the previous semester. The main objective is to identify the curricular gaps and planning of add-on courses & other activities to fill the curricular gaps. The Committee comprises of faculty members of Biomedical Engineering department.

Frequency of conduction: Yearly twice

The list of members are:

  1. Dr. Jis Paul , HOD & Asso. Professor, BME
  2. Dr. Finto Raphael, Asso. Professor, BME
  3. Ms. Reshma Jose, Asst. Professor, BME
  4. Ms. Sony N.S, Asst. Professor, BME
  5. Mr. Jibin Jose, Asst. Professor, BME
  6. Ms. Supriya Mary Sunil, Asst. Professor, BME
  7. Ms. Lavina Joseph, Asst. Professor, BME
  8. Ms. Arathy M, Asst. Professor, BME
  9. Ms. Jayalakshmi P K, Asst. Professor, BME
  10. Ms. Minu Davis, Asst. Professor, BME
  11. Ms. Jayakrishnan S, Asst. Professor, BME