Fund Raising
Join us in securing the future of young minds. Contribute what you can!
- To actively and constructively participate in the wellbeing of the Sahrdaya College of Engineering &Technology, by utilizing the good-will, professional engineers of various disciplines spread all over the world.
- To serve as a forum to promote and foster relationship among the alumni, the present students, the staff and the management of Sahrdaya.
- To arrange seminars and training programme by eminent Alumni and other personalities for the benefit of students and alumni.
- To contribute towards improving entrepreneurship development activities, campus placements, library and centers of excellence at Sahrdaya.
- To maintain continuous interaction between the past and present students by publishing a newsletter, holding periodical Alumni day celebration.
- To institute scholarships, revolving loan fund, prizes/medals etc., for the deserving students of Sahrdaya.
- To promote entrepreneurship and to educate them on technical matters and better utilization of funds made available from financial institutions by workshop, seminars, lectures etc and by providing training to improve the quality of the human resources of business organizations.
- To alleviate the alumni relationship by imparting awards to the best alumni based on his/her contribution to the association.
- Maintaining the updated and current information of all Alumni. To encourage, foster and promote close relations among the alumni themselves.
- To provide a forum for the Alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day by organizing and coordinating reunion activities of the Alumni
Name | Role | Designation |
Dr. Nixon Kuruvila | President | Principal, SCET |
Ms. Amrutha Basanth | Vice President | Gen. Secretary, UKF College of Engg |
Ms. Priya K V | Secretary | Asst. Prof. CSE, SCET |
Ms. Gincy Varghese | Joint Secretary | Asst. Prof. ECE, CMR University |
Ms. Jasmy Davies | Treasurer | Asst. Prof. CSE, SCET |
Ms. Jemcy Antony | Member | Asst. Prof. ASH, SCET |
Mr. Jibin Jose | Member | Asst. Prof. BME, SCET |
ALUMNI MEET 2022- 31st December 2022
The Sahrdaya Engineering College Alumni Association(SECAA) of Sahrdaya college of Engineering and Technology organized "ALUMNI MEET 2022"- a programme to facilitate, consolidate and coordinate Alumni Activities at Decennial Block on 31st December 2022. The alumni meet is to reconnect with the Alumni of 2006-2010,2007-2011,2008-2012 batches. The Alumni started arriving in college by 10.00 a.m. and they were received by the registration team and they have been asked to fill the registration form. The meeting was presided over by Executive director Rev Fr George Pareman .Followed by the address of Principal Dr Nixon Kuruvila. The joint director Dr Sudha George Valavi felicitate the gathering.
All the staff members addressed the students and followed with the students batch wise sharing their thoughts and experiences. The meeting came to an end followed by a photo session and lunch.

Sahrdaya Engineering College Alumni Association (SECAA)
Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology
Phone No: 0480 2726630 (Ext: 202)