HoD’s Desk
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science Engineering at SAHRDAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. The department of Computer Science Engineering started in 2002 with an intake of 60, the present being 120, and has made astounding progress in the last 15 years. We have strong undergraduate and postgraduate programs in computer science.
The Department was formed with the primary objective of providing world class education in the field of Information Technology, while addressing the problems of today and tomorrow. Right from its inception, the department has been offering excellent infrastructural facilities with a variety of computing platforms to aspiring professional students to meet the burgeoning demands of the IT industry.
The Department with qualified and experienced team of faculty members dedicates to reinforce effective teaching learning process in the ambiance of helpful environment well supported and stuffed with curricular along with co-curricular activities. Time to time department is organizing student development program and hands-on workshop to overcome curriculum-industry gap. The Department is wide open to innovative ideas, methodologies to establish itself as the most hunted excellent learning center in this part of the state.
Computer Science Engineering students are in high demand as far as industry recruiters are concerned. In recent years, Indian Software Industry has boomed due to rapid increase in globalization consequently required more software engineers. Fundamental goal of our department is to provide innovative and quality education with high standard to achieve academic excellence and provides platform for the students to achieve their career goals.

HoD – Computer Science & Engineering