BME Publications

Sl. NoStudent NameTitle of the PaperJournal Details
1S. Saji, A. Jose, A. Karthika, D. Abhijith, R. Jose, and T. JarinA sustainable facial recognition based heart rate monitoring system for the detection of atrial fibrillation in paralyzedAIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, p. 020019.
2 A. Joy, R. Varghese, A. Varghese, A. M. Sajeev, J. Raveendran, A. Thomas, and K. SaranMedrobo medicine delivering and patient parameter monitoring robot7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 1808-1812.
3A. Divakarn, M. Minsha, G. Varghese, P. Sreeraag, and N. SonyThe Video-based Gait analyzing systemAbstracts of International Conferences & Meetings, 2021, pp. 12-12.
4Midhun K MHigh-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid CancerPresented the paper titled “High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid Cancer” in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science and Technology (ICITST – 2018)organized by Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology, Trivandrum
5Aswathy B SAOP alert systemKETCON 2018
6Sachin Thomas VE-CrutchesKETCON 2018
7Reshma RadhakrishnanPharmaBankKETCON 2018
8C AbhijithTremor Intensity monitoring and supporting aid for Parkinson Disease diagnosisKETCON 2018
9Navitha SalasHigh-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid CancerPresented the paper titled “High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid Cancer” in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science and Technology (ICITST – 2018)organized by Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology, Trivandrum
10Leeson JoseNon-invasive GlucometerKETCON 2018
11Chandana K R,
Nimal P S,
Navaneeth E U
Real Time
Video Based
Detection of
Sl. NoFaculty NameTitle of the PaperJournal Details
1Dr. Yuvaraj VAdaptive Beam formation and channel allocation using substance near multicast protocol and CS-iEHOSpringer Nature
3 January 2021
2Dr. Yuvaraj VCombined Machine Learning Approach to Cluster and Analyze Intrinsic Medical Data Set Drug and cell Therapies in Haematology
3Dr. Yuvaraj VBook Chapter – Handbook of Deep Learning in Biomedical Engineering and Health Informatics – Technical Assessment of Various image stitching techniques: A deep learning Approach
Apple Academic Press 
4Dr. Finto RaphelSpeed Adaptive Joint Subcarrier and Power Allocation Technique for Downlink OFDMA Video Transmission OverIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (2), 1879-1887 2019
5Dr. Remya GeorgeI-Hope: Detection and
Prediction system for
Polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS) using Machine
Learning Techniques
IEEE conference
Dec. 2019
6Ms. Supriya Mary SunilMyoelectric Control System based on Wavelet Features2018 Fourth International conference on Bio signals images and instrumentation (ICBSII)
March 2018
7Ms. Sony N SVideo Based Gait Analysing SystemFirst International Conference on Biomaterials and Biosensor Technologies held during 12-13, March 2021, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam
8Ms. Reshma JosSustainable method of automatic detection of tumor using super pixel segmentation
International conference on energy and environment (ICEE 2021) , 2021
1Dr. Yuvaraj VToxicity Assessment of Carbon Nanotubes on erythrocyte morphology and lymphocytes in-vitroAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 278-280.
2Dr. Yuvaraj VComparative cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of permethrin and its nanometric form on human erythrocytes and lymphocytes in vitroChemico-Biological Interactions, Vol. 257. pp. 119-124. (Impactor Factor 2.577)
3Dr. Yuvaraj VEffects of cigarette smoking on morphology and aggregation of erythrocytesClinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, (IOS Press) 51 (2012) 169–175. (Impact Factor 3.398)
4Dr. Yuvaraj VNanotoxicology of Smoking by Image Processing TechniqueInternational Conference on Latest Trends in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ICNSNT 2011, Organized by KBN Engineering College, Gulbarga, Karnataka. 28th-29th March, 2011.
5Dr. Yuvaraj VDigital analysis of erythrocyte shape changes on smokingInternational conference on Medical informatics and Telemedicine MEDITEL 2008 Organized by Medical Computer Society of India Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 19th – 20th December, 2008.
6Dr. Yuvaraj VRobotic Pill DispenserIOSR-JPBS, e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 9, Issue 4 Ver. IV (Jul -Aug. 2014), PP 01-00.
7Remya George (Ph.D.)HRV response to simulated real and non-real-time stressorsMs. Remya George (BM Dept.) has participated in the International conference ICORETECH 2018 at LBS Kasargod (18th and 19th December 2018) and presented a paper on ‘’HRV response to simulated real and non real time stressors”. The paper is accepted for publication in International Journal of Engineering and Technology, SCOPUS INDEXED.
8Remya George (Ph.D.)An Intelligent Security System for Violence against Women in Public PlacesInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-3, Issue-4, ISSN: 2249 – 8958.
9Ann Soniya M MichaelDesign Of Fuzzy Logic Controller For Continuous CrystallizationAdvances in Chemical Engineering and Technology . Publisher: Elsevier, ISBN: 9789351072843
10Ann Soniya M MichaelImplementation of Solar-powered Voice Recognition RobotGlobal Journal for Research Analysis, ISSN : 22778160, Vol 4,Issue 5, May 2015
11Remya George (Ph.D.)A Smart Chaos Managing Cum Energy Saving System for HospitalIOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 6
12Ann Soniya M MichaelA method for Reducing Three-Phase Power Capacitor Switching TransientsInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN : 23203765, Vol 4,Issue 3, March 2015
13Ann Soniya M MichaelAutomatic Fire Fighting RobotInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Software Engineering, , ISSN :2277128X, Vol 5,Issue 5, May 2015
14Sony N S (Ph.D.)Ultrasonic Visual Aid using ANNInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , 3 March 2014, ISSN – 2229-5518
15.Ms.Jayalakshmi P KPrinciples of Industry 4.0Shanlax  Publications
16.Ms.Jayalakshmi P KTotal Quality ManagementGeometric Publications
17.Sony N S
Real Time Video Based Detection of Retained Surgical Instruments During Intraoperative proceduresCISCON 2024, IEEE
18. Dr.Jeethu RaveendranElectro chemical Behavior of an anti cancer drug Erlotinib at screen-printed electrodes and is analytical applicationsCurrent Analytical Chemistry