Sl. No | Student Name | Title of the Paper | Journal Details |
1 | S. Saji, A. Jose, A. Karthika, D. Abhijith, R. Jose, and T. Jarin | A sustainable facial recognition based heart rate monitoring system for the detection of atrial fibrillation in paralyzed | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, p. 020019. |
2 | A. Joy, R. Varghese, A. Varghese, A. M. Sajeev, J. Raveendran, A. Thomas, and K. Saran | Medrobo medicine delivering and patient parameter monitoring robot | 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 1808-1812. |
3 | A. Divakarn, M. Minsha, G. Varghese, P. Sreeraag, and N. Sony | The Video-based Gait analyzing system | Abstracts of International Conferences & Meetings, 2021, pp. 12-12. |
4 | Midhun K M | High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid Cancer | Presented the paper titled “High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid Cancer” in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science and Technology (ICITST – 2018)organized by Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology, Trivandrum |
5 | Aswathy B S | AOP alert system | KETCON 2018 |
6 | Sachin Thomas V | E-Crutches | KETCON 2018 |
7 | Reshma Radhakrishnan | PharmaBank | KETCON 2018 |
8 | C Abhijith | Tremor Intensity monitoring and supporting aid for Parkinson Disease diagnosis | KETCON 2018 |
9 | Navitha Salas | High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid Cancer | Presented the paper titled “High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for thermal Ablation of Thyroid Cancer” in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science and Technology (ICITST – 2018)organized by Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology, Trivandrum |
10 | Leeson Jose | Non-invasive Glucometer | KETCON 2018 |
11 | Chandana K R, Nimal P S, Navaneeth E U | Real Time Video Based Detection of Retained Surgical Instruments During Intraoperative procedures | IEEE CISCON 2024 |
Sl. No | Faculty Name | Title of the Paper | Journal Details |
1 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Adaptive Beam formation and channel allocation using substance near multicast protocol and CS-iEHO | Springer Nature 3 January 2021 |
2 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Combined Machine Learning Approach to Cluster and Analyze Intrinsic Medical Data Set | Drug and cell Therapies in Haematology 2021 |
3 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Book Chapter – Handbook of Deep Learning in Biomedical Engineering and Health Informatics – Technical Assessment of Various image stitching techniques: A deep learning Approach | Apple Academic Press 2022 |
4 | Dr. Finto Raphel | Speed Adaptive Joint Subcarrier and Power Allocation Technique for Downlink OFDMA Video Transmission Over | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (2), 1879-1887 2019 |
5 | Dr. Remya George | I-Hope: Detection and Prediction system for Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) using Machine Learning Techniques | IEEE conference [10.1109/TENCON 2019.8929674] Dec. 2019 |
6 | Ms. Supriya Mary Sunil | Myoelectric Control System based on Wavelet Features | 2018 Fourth International conference on Bio signals images and instrumentation (ICBSII) March 2018 |
7 | Ms. Sony N S | Video Based Gait Analysing System | First International Conference on Biomaterials and Biosensor Technologies held during 12-13, March 2021, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam |
8 | Ms. Reshma Jos | Sustainable method of automatic detection of tumor using super pixel segmentation | International conference on energy and environment (ICEE 2021) , 2021 |
1 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Toxicity Assessment of Carbon Nanotubes on erythrocyte morphology and lymphocytes in-vitro | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 278-280. |
2 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Comparative cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of permethrin and its nanometric form on human erythrocytes and lymphocytes in vitro | Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol. 257. pp. 119-124. (Impactor Factor 2.577) |
3 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Effects of cigarette smoking on morphology and aggregation of erythrocytes | Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, (IOS Press) 51 (2012) 169–175. (Impact Factor 3.398) |
4 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Nanotoxicology of Smoking by Image Processing Technique | International Conference on Latest Trends in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ICNSNT 2011, Organized by KBN Engineering College, Gulbarga, Karnataka. 28th-29th March, 2011. |
5 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Digital analysis of erythrocyte shape changes on smoking | International conference on Medical informatics and Telemedicine MEDITEL 2008 Organized by Medical Computer Society of India Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 19th – 20th December, 2008. |
6 | Dr. Yuvaraj V | Robotic Pill Dispenser | IOSR-JPBS, e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 9, Issue 4 Ver. IV (Jul -Aug. 2014), PP 01-00. |
7 | Remya George (Ph.D.) | HRV response to simulated real and non-real-time stressors | Ms. Remya George (BM Dept.) has participated in the International conference ICORETECH 2018 at LBS Kasargod (18th and 19th December 2018) and presented a paper on ‘’HRV response to simulated real and non real time stressors”. The paper is accepted for publication in International Journal of Engineering and Technology, SCOPUS INDEXED. |
8 | Remya George (Ph.D.) | An Intelligent Security System for Violence against Women in Public Places | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-3, Issue-4, ISSN: 2249 – 8958. |
9 | Ann Soniya M Michael | Design Of Fuzzy Logic Controller For Continuous Crystallization | Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology . Publisher: Elsevier, ISBN: 9789351072843 |
10 | Ann Soniya M Michael | Implementation of Solar-powered Voice Recognition Robot | Global Journal for Research Analysis, ISSN : 22778160, Vol 4,Issue 5, May 2015 |
11 | Remya George (Ph.D.) | A Smart Chaos Managing Cum Energy Saving System for Hospital | IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 6 |
12 | Ann Soniya M Michael | A method for Reducing Three-Phase Power Capacitor Switching Transients | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN : 23203765, Vol 4,Issue 3, March 2015 |
13 | Ann Soniya M Michael | Automatic Fire Fighting Robot | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Software Engineering, , ISSN :2277128X, Vol 5,Issue 5, May 2015 |
14 | Sony N S (Ph.D.) | Ultrasonic Visual Aid using ANN | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , 3 March 2014, ISSN – 2229-5518 |
15. | Ms.Jayalakshmi P K | Principles of Industry 4.0 | Shanlax Publications |
16. | Ms.Jayalakshmi P K | Total Quality Management | Geometric Publications |
17. | Sony N S (Ph.D.) | Real Time Video Based Detection of Retained Surgical Instruments During Intraoperative procedures | CISCON 2024, IEEE |
18. | Dr.Jeethu Raveendran | Electro chemical Behavior of an anti cancer drug Erlotinib at screen-printed electrodes and is analytical applications | Current Analytical Chemistry |