Engineering Biomedical Students Association(EBSA)

The Engineering Biomedical Students Association [EBSA] was inugurated on 24 th July, 2003.The foundation was duly performed in the conference hall of SCET with Dr.V.J.Paul, presiding over the meeting. The motto of EBSA  “To the zenith with determination” was upheld by the association by conducting seminars, industrial visits, hospital visits and exhibitions, more encompassed for the propaganda of EBSA. Objectives Of EBSA

  • Creating sufficient awareness about BME field among health care professionals and public.
  • Inviting Guest lecturers of eminent BME, industrialists, academicians, management personalities to motivate and guide our members.
  • Organizing State level & National level Symposiums.
  • Collaboration with industries & research wings that can give a whole new dimension and professionalism.
  • Arranging Science & Technology exhibition with industries & inter college participants.
  • Encouraging and guiding the students for their higher studies, competitive exams & conducting career guidance programs
  • Publication of BM magazine, news letter, periodicals & journals.
  • Encouraging technical group activities, conducting mini-project competitions, offering placement assistantship to its members.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering released its Biannual newsletter SILIENCE (Vol 11, Issue 1).
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a One Day Workshop on Embedded Systems for S6 BME students by Dr. Vishnu Rajan and Ms. Vidyamol K, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SCET on 17/3/2025.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a One Day Training Session on Sensor Design and Fabrication Techniques for S6 BME students by Dr. Dhanya Gangadharan and Ms. Pooja Das, Department of Biotechnology, SCET on 10/3/2025.
  • The Engineering and Biomedical Students Association (EBSA) in association with Dr. Rani Menon Max Vision conducted a Medical Eye Camp at Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology on 4/3/2025. The camp was attended by more than 200 participants including staff and students.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a One Day Workshop on CAD for S6 BME students by Mr. Dheeraj Mathew Paulson, Filed Application Engineer, ENTUPLE TECHNOLOGY PVT LTD on 6 & 7/3/2025.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a One Day Workshop on PCB and Circuit Design for S4 BME students by Ms. Vidyamol, Assistant Professor, Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SCET on 3/3/2025.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a session on “Disorders of the Heart and their Prevention with Special Focus on Acute Myocardial Infarction” by Interventional Cardiologist- Senior Consultant Mr. Rajasekhar Varma on 27th February 2025.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a session on MATLAB Programming for S4 BME students by Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K, Assistant Professor, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, SCET on 9/1/2025.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted training on In Vitro Diagnostics Technology by Agappe Diagnostics Ltd for final year students (2021- 2025 Batch) from 9/12/2024 to 13/12/2024 at Sahrdaya- Agappe Innovation Hub.
  • Ms. Jasmine Davis, Alumni (2014-18 Batch) working as trainer for Agappe Diagnostics Ltd. interacted with the final year students and gave a brief insight on the topic “Invitro Diagnostic Technology” on 11th December 2024.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Sahrdaya, Sahrdaya TBII Hub, and Medzell Pvt. Ltd. made a collaboration aimed to develop Cancer Diagnostic Technology that includes funding, internships with stipends, joint product development, and IP sharing. A visit by subject expert and Board of Governors (BoG) member Dr. Venugopal G (also a BoG member of APJAKTU), along with Mr. Sujith, CEO of Medzell, and his team took place for the final discussions on 7/11/2024.
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering organized an online session on “Impact of AI in Biomedical Image Segmentation Technique” by Mr. Sree Sankar J, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology on Saturday October 19, 2024.
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering in association with NDLI organized a virtual talk on the Musculoskeletal System by Dr. Varghese Thomas, Orthopedic Surgeon, Pushpagiri Medical College Thiruvalla on Saturday October 19, 2024.
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering in association with Training and Placement Cell of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology conducted a Session on Regulatory Affairs led by Mr. Bibin Varghese, Medical Device Regulatory Consultant, Medtech pvt. Ltd.
  • Final year Biomedical Engineering students and two faculty advisors went for a 5 Day Industrial Visit to Goa from 7th to 12th October 2024.
  • Conducted a 2 day Workshop on Hardware Integration using Micropython by Mr. Prince John Joseph of Teqard Labs Pvt Ltd and Manu Francis of Edwhere Education, Cochin on 30th and 31st August 2024.
  • The Biomedical Engineering Department Students' Association (EBSA), in collaboration with the Biomedical Engineering Society of India (BMESI) organized a Latex Training Program for seventh-semester Biomedical Engineering students on 23/8/24 by Ms. Sonu Varghese, Research scholar in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SCET, Thrissur.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a 2 day Interactive seminar cum Hands-on workshop on-"Electronic product building" by Antu Dominic chief technical officer,Truetek world, Angamaly on 26th and 27th of July 2024.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a One Day Workshop on “Introduction to Python Programming” by Mr. Leno, Final year student of Computer Science and Engineering at SCET for the Third semester students on 19/7/24.
  • Mr. Jibin Jose represented Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology at AICTE and DIST on 6th and 7th of March 2025.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose and Ms. Minu Davis participated in the programme on “EMI/EMC Testing: Requirements and Approach” organized by PSG- STEP on 1/3/2025.
  • Ms. Sony N.S participated in the online State Level Evaluation for the Young Innovators Program (YIP) 6.0 Cat 1(School Students).
  • Dr. Reshma Jose, Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K and Mr. Jayakrishnan S published a paper titled DETECTION OF ANEMIA FROM CONJUNCTIVAL PALOR AND NAIL COLOR USING IMAGE PROCESSING in the International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy and Intelligent System, DOI: 10.1109/AREIS62559.2024.10893674, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-8723-0. 
  • Dr. Reshma Jose attended the 12th KMTC Stakeholders Connect Meet, that brings together stakeholders from the medical technology and medical devices ecosystem on 11/2/2025 at IIT, Palakkad.
  •  Ms. Sony N. S. and Mr. Jibin Jose from the Department of Biomedical Engineering participated in the Annual Convention for the Healthcare Sector, organized by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on January 31, 2025, at the National Institute of Training for Standardization (NITS), Noida. This one-day convention aimed to enhance the standardization ecosystem for medical devices and the broader healthcare sector.
  • Dr. Jeethu Raveendran was granted Indian patent for “ A Nanomaterial- Based Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Anticancer Drug Molecules
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering and Medzell signed an MoU for the Development of a novel Early Breast Cancer Screening Device Red light and Near InfraRed Light. The student project team includes Alvin Reji, Athira K.B, Hareesh V and Mekha P from Biomedical Department and the faculty supervisors are Ms. Supriya May Sunil and Mr. Jibin Jose.
  • Ms. Sony N S became a certified Facilitator of AI for Future WorkForce Program in India.
  • The Department of Biomedical Engineering gave a presentation to BIRAC for funding towards conducting ISO 13485:2016 training in the institute  as part of the Bio Pharma Mission.
  • Dr. Jis Paul, Ms. Minu Davis and Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K successfully earned mentor certificates from NPTEL. Dr. Jis Paul and Ms. Minu Davis are the top scorer in points in the whole college and honoured with a badge along with the certificate. Miss. Jayalakshmi P.K was among the three who offered a core course for NPTEL and earned the certificate.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology has successfully completed the five-day Faculty Development Programme (Hybrid Mode) on “Applied Generative AI” organised by the Department of Computer Applications in association with the International Centre for Free and Open Source Solutions (ICFOSS), Thiruvananthapuram from 09/12/2024 to 13/12/2024.
  • Ms Jayalakshmi P K, Mr Georgy, Mr Febin, Ms Sheda and Ms Anagha has presented a paper entitled “Advanced Wearable EEG Monitoring Device for Continuous Epileptic Seizure Detection with Integrated Mobile App Development” in the 4th International Conference on Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A-2024) organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar during 9 th to 11th December 2024.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose, Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K and  Mr. Jayakrishnan S presented a paper titled DETECTION OF ANEMIA FROM CONJUNCTIVAL PALOR AND NAIL COLOR USING IMAGE PROCESSING which has been accepted for publication in International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy and Intelligent Systems at Jyothi Engineering College on 5th and 6th December 2024.
  • Mr. Jayakrishnan S and Dr. Reshma Anoop received an amount of Rs. 100,000 as Faculty Research Seed Grant for their project proposal Development of Nanocomposites Based Sensor for Sweat Analysis.
  • Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K and Ms. Minu Davis received an amount of Rs. 50,000 as Faculty Research Seed Grant for their project proposal Advanced Wearable EEG Monitoring Device for Continuous Epileptic Seizure Detection with Integrated Mobile App Development
  • Mr. Jibin Jose served as a resource person on the topic Producing Industry Ready Engineers for an Online Faculty Development Programme conducted on 11th and 12th of December 2024 at Government Polytechnic College, Chelakkara.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose, Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K and Mr. Jayakrishnan S presented a paper titled Detection of Anemia from Conjunctival Palor and Nail Color using Image Processing  in the International Conference on ADVANCEMENT IN RENEWABLE ENERGY AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEM 2024 at Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur. 
  • The project titled A Novel wearable neck band for sleep apnea diagnosis and monitoring guided by Ms. Minu Davis was selected from the first round of evaluation for ECE branch for CERD Student Project funding 2024. The group members are Alex Anto, Ebin Wilson, Sana Mariyam and Anatt P Davi.
  •  Dr. Reshma Jose and Mr. Jibin Jose attended the 3 Days HUDDLE GLOBAL 2024 organised by Kerala StartUp Mission on 28th, 29th and 30th of November 2024. Dr. Reshma Jose was awarded certificate of appreciation for successfully completing the project titled COMMUNICATIVE AND ASSISTIVE DEVICE FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLED CHILDREN under the Research Innovation Program For Women Startups of Kerala Startup Mission and implemented by Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology and Sahrdaya TBII Hub.
  • Dr. Jis Paul delivered a talk on Nuclear Imaging and Laser Technology in Medical Applications on 27/11/24 for the Department of Physics at Christ College, Irinjalakuda.
  • Mr. Jibin Jose served as a reviewer for reviewing the proposals for the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Awards 2023.
  • Jibin Jose has attended the IEDC Nodal Officer's Meetup held at National Institute of Technology, Calicut on 18/10/24 as part of the IEDC Summit'24 organized by Kerala Startup Mission in association with NIT Calicut.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose has participated in the One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Education and Application of Generative AI in Teaching and Research, organised by St. Mary’s College (Autonomous), Thrissur in association with the Collegiate Education Department, Government of Kerala from 17 to 24 October 2024.
  • Dr. Jis Paul served as a resource person for the ATAL Faculty Development Program titled “Wearable Device: Challenges and Innovations” on 23/10/24 at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally.
  • Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K conducted a Workshop on KEIL at Department of Vocational Studies, MES College Marampally on 10/10/2024.
  • Mr. Jayakrishnan S and Ms. Lavina Joseph were awarded with trophy and certificate for securing 100% pass in the courses Biomaterials and Artificial Organs and Implants for S8 University Examinations.
  •  Mr. Jibin Jose delivered a talk on Assistive Technology and Wearables on 19th August 2024 as part of YIP IDEA ENGINE conducted by K-DISC. 
  • Ms. Jayalakshmi P.K successfully completed the NPTEL Online Certification course on Digital Image Processing.
  • Ms. Minu Davis successfully completed the NPTEL Online Certification course on Research Methodology with an Elite certificate.
  • Mr. Jayakrishnan successfully completed the NPTEL Online Certification course on Biomedical Nanotechnology.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose successfully completed the NPTEL Online Certification course on Technical Communication for Engineers with an Elite certificate.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose served as one among the expert committee members of the Mock Audit for NBA accreditation visit at TKMIT College, Kollam on 8/8/2024.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose. Ms. Sony N.S and Mr. Jibin Jose served as evaluators for District Level Evaluations of Young Innovators Programme YIP 5.0 and 6.0 conducted on 25th July 2024.
  • Mr. Jibin Jose served as a resource person for the Start Up Bootcamp organized by APJAKTU from 18/7/24 to 20/7/24 at Maker Village, Trivandrum.
  • Ms. Jayalakskmi and Ms. Minu Davis attended a 3 Day Faculty Development Program from 17/7/24 to 19/7/24 conducted by WADHWANI FOUNDATIONS- IGNITE X- Transforming the Future of Entrepreneurship Education and qualified as trainers.
  • Dr. Reshma Jose, Mr. Jibin Jose, Dr. Jis Paul and Ms. Sony N.S successfully completed the certification program on ISO 13485: 2016- Lead Auditor Training Program on Medical Devices Quality Management System from 29/6/24 to 7/7/24.
  • Three students from S6 Biomedical Engineering (2022 Batch)- Fathima Fida (Rank- 102), Nida Sadique (Rank- 219) and Gopika K S (Rank- 420) were qualified for GATE 2024-25.
  • The Team Expo consisting of Ashwin Joy, Ashwin Jose, Jenit Rose and Sanjana Sudheer from Final Year Biomedical Engineering won the Third Prize for Assistive Technology Makeathon, an event under PRAYANA, funded under IEEE RAS TEP. The project is guided by Mr. Jayakrishnan.
  • Ms. Estina Shyju of Sixth Semester Biomedical Engineering secured First Prize in the She Speaks debate competition conducted by the Media Club, IEDC Sahrdaya.
  • As part of S6 student project “MICROFLUIDIC CHIP INTEGRATED DEVICE FOR THE DETECTION OF BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS” by Anjaly Joseph, Joel Varghese Shibu, Bastin Antony and Sneha P.S, the team visited Dr. Abdul Rasheed, DBT Ramalingaswami Fellow, IIT, Palakkad on 5/3/2025.
  • The project titled “A NOVEL WEARABLE NECK BAND FOR SLEEP APNEA DIAGNOSIS AND MONITORING” guided by Ms. Minu Davis was sanctioned financial assistance for an amount of Rs. 29,000 by CERD. 
  • Avandhika S. Kumar and Gopika Shibu, final-year B.Tech Biomedical Engineering students from Department of Biomedical Engineering won the 2nd prize at the prestigious Siemens Innovation Think Tank Global Innovation Contest held at Siemens Healthineers, Bangalore from July 22nd to 31st 2024.
  • B. Tech 2023-27 Batch of students acquired a pass percentage of 76% in the Second semester University examinations. Ms. Sania Biju became the topper with a CGPA of 9.29.
  • B. Tech 2021-25 Batch of students acquired a pass percentage of 83% in the Sixth semester University examinations. Ms. Anushka Sumesh became the topper with a CGPA of 9.59
  • B. Tech 2022-26 Batch of students acquired a pass percentage of 80% in the Fourth semester University examinations. Ms. Hanah Jijy became the topper with a CGPA of 9.73
  • Two final year projects were selected for an exhibition at Siemens Annual Innovation Think Tank (ITT) to be held in Istanbul, Turkey. 
  • Final year project team consisting of Georgy Lyju, Anagha K, Sheda O.P, Febin T.O visited PK DAS INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, Vaniyamkulam Ottapalam to discuss about the project with Dr M A Andrews, Principal, PKDIMS. The name of the project is “EEGHeadband for Assisting Epileptic Patients with the development of Mobile Application for the Analysis” guided by Ms. Jayalakshmi M.S.
  • Ashwin Joy of Final Year Biomedical Engineering has been selected as the EBSA association in charge for the year 2024-25. Ashwin Singh from S5 BM and Richardson from S3 BM have also been selected as incharges
  • The final year project Smart Leap: Wearable Dual sensor Smart Shoes for  Performance analysis of long Jump secured 3rd prize in Srishti project expo held as part of Tharang tech fest at Jyothi engineering college on 2/10/24. The project is guided by Mr. Jibin Jose and team members are Abhirami S, Hridhya k, Abin C Jose and Vivek C V.
  • The paper titled “Real Time Video Based Detection of Retained Surgical Instruments during Intra operative Procedures” was published in IEEE Conference 2024 Control Instrumentation. The authors  are Chandana K.R, Nimal P.S, Navaneeth E. U and Ms. Sony N.S.
  • Ms. Ayana Rose Viju secured third position in APJAKTU E- Zone shuttle badminton women’s tournament and got selected to Inter- Zone Women’s team from E- Zone.
  • Three students secured placements—two from the 2024 graduating batch Mr. Jithu and Mr. Sreerag and one from the 2025 batch Mr. Abhinav as interns at Boston Scientific. The internship includes a stipend of INR 30,000 per month, a travel allowance of INR 10,000 per month, and an annual incentive of INR 60,000.
  • Ms. Eva Joy of final year Biomedical Engineering  got selected to Inter- zone Women’s Kho-Kho team
  •  Ms. Malavika Chandran of third semester Biomedical Engineering secured Gold medal in the +68 weight category,(Kumite = Fight) in the interzone karate championship held at MACE on 09/11/2024. She is selected to the Inter University team. She also represented Kerala Technological University at the National level.
  • Ms. Anatt P. Davi from Final Year B.Tech Biomedical Engineering has been selected for an internship in the R&D Department of Horiba, with a stipend of ₹20,000 per month.
  • Ms. Krishna Sugunan has been selected for Residential Student Workshop (RSW), the Flagship 3 Day Residential Workshop conducted by IIT, Madras.
  • B. Tech 2021-25 Batch of students acquired a pass percentage of 98.31% in the Seventh semester University examinations.
  • Ms. Anushka Sumesh achieved SGPA- 10 in S7 University Examinations.
  • Mr. Christin Sunil of sixth semester Biomedical Engineering became one of the toppers of Intel AI certification program.
  • Ms. Farha Mohamed, Jicks Jose Alookkaran, Ajil Prasad and Amal P Gijo of 2024 batch presented a paper titled Video- Based Real time Surgical tool error detection in laparoscopic cholecystectomy at IEEE- Mysurucon 2024- 4th Edition of Flagship International Conference hosted by Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru on 30th and 31st of August, 2024. The project was guided by Ms. Sony N.S.