BME Department Advisory Committee

We have constituted a Department Advisory Committee for planning the upcoming semester and evaluating the department activities in the previous semester. The main objective is to identify the curricular gaps and planning of add-on courses & other activities to fill the curricular gaps. The Committee comprises of Alumni, Academicians, Industrial Experts, PTWA members, HOD, Program Coordinator and Senior Faculty Members.

Frequency of Conduction: Yearly Twice

The List of members are:

1Dr. Jis PaulHOD-BME, SCET
2Dr. Surya S Nair Automotive Cybersecurity Expert at ZF Group- Industrial expert
3Dr. Manoj MathewSoftware Solutions Manager & Imaging Specialist, Carl Zeiss- Industrial expert
4Dr. Renu JohnProfessor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad- Academic expert
5Dr. Pramod KAsst. Professor, MIT, Manipal - Academic expert
6Mr. Santosh BabuZonal Technical Support Manager, GE Healthcare - Alumni Representative
7Ms. Linu ThommiVice-Precident, Dr. Klinisch Research Pvt Ltd - Alumni Representative
8Ms. NithyaAssisi Vidyaniketan public school,Perumpilly, Ernakulam, PTWA Member
9Prof. Raji ChandraAssistant Professor,PG Dept of History, VTM NSS College Dhanuvachapuram, PTWA Member
10Ms. Reshma JoseAsst. Professor,BME, Sahrdaya College of Engg. & Tech
11Dr. Finto RaphelAsso. Professor, BME, Sahrdaya College of Engg. & Tech.
12Mr. Jibin JoseAsst. Professor, BME, Sahrdaya College of Engg. & Tech.