SL NoFaculty NameJournal NameTitle of Paper
1Dr. SreerajEnergy Exploration and Exploitation, SAGEAn advanced hybrid deep learning model for accurate energy load prediction in smart building
2Anil AntonyInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in EngineeringAfrican Vulture Optimization with Deep Learning-based Geographical Information Analytics for Land Cover Segmentation and Classification
3Anil Antonye-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and EnergyEnhancing Food Crop Classification in Agriculture through Dipper Throat Optimization and Deep Learning with Remote Sensing
SL NoFaculty NameJournal NameTitle of Paper
1Dr. Krishnadas J, Dr. Manishankar SMDPI-SustainabilityTraffic pattern classification in smart cities using deep recurrent neural network
SL NoFaculty NameJournal NameTitle of Paper
1Priya K VInternational Journal of Human–Computer InteractionEnhanced Defensive Model Using CNN against Adversarial Attacks for Medical Education through Human Computer Interaction
2Divya RExpert SystemsEye-Tact: An ensemble based multi-model and multidimensional approach for fall prediction and evaluation in Parkinson's Disease patients
3Dr. Krishnadas JJournal of Super ComputingOvarian Cysts Classification using novel deep reinforcement Learning with Harris Hawks Optimization Method
SL NoFaculty NameJournal NameTitle of Paper
1Priya K VComplex & Intelligent SystemsA Federated approach for detecting the chest diseases using DenseNet for multi-label classification
2Dr. SunderInt. J. Data Science,A novel security scheme using deep learning based low overhead localised flooding algorithm for wireless sensor networks
3Livya GeorgeTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative InquiryCustomer segmentation in intelligent learning mechanism in E- banking using Frequent Item-set Hierarchical Clustering
4Deepa DevassyJournal of super computingNBA: novel bio‑inspired algorithm for energy optimization in WSN for IoT applications
SL NoFaculty NameJournal NameTitle of Paper
1Dr. R. Sunder, Dr. Rajeswari, Wilson JosephInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering ISSN (Online) 2394-2320Emotion Recognition Using Physiological Signals and Different Datasets
2Scaria AlexInternational Journal of Open Source Software and ProcessesAdaptive Spider Bird Swarm Algorithm- Based Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Malicious JavaScript Detection Using Box-Cox Transformation
3Megha K KDrugs and Cell Therapies in Haematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)Combined Machine Learning Approach to Cluster and Analyze Intrinsic Medical Data Set
4Dr. SunderInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor NetworksMulti-modal prediction of breast cancer using particle swarm optimization with non-dominating sorting
  • Dr.M.Rajeswari, Anila Thomas,Shyam Krishna published a paper on ” Dispersal of Traffic Alert Messages without Missing the Reliability for Environment Protection ” Ekoloji journal, SCI Indexed, 28(107): 571-581 (2019)
  • Dr.M.Rajeswari published a paper “Survey on Data Dissemination Process Using Routing Protocols in MANET and VANET”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Scopus Indexed.
  • Mrs Priya K V,Dr. M Rajeswari and Mr Krishnadas J published a paper on ” Cancer prediction using HFSE approach based on DNA methylation over machine learning “, International Journal of Current Research , Vol. 11, Issue, 01, pp.515-517, January, 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5, January 2019
  • Dr. R Satheesh Kumar, Dr.Rajeswari published a paper on “A Secure Model for Hiding Multimedia Files within Two Cover Images “, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5, January 2019, Scopus Indexed.
  • Dr.M.Rajeswari, Mrs Sheethal M S and Mrs Sreetha E S published a paper on ” Performability of VBRCP VANET using UGFT “, Journal of Advanced Research Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special issue, 2018, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-3, January 2019 Scopus Indexed.
  • Mrs Deepa Devassy presented a paper on “Analysis of suitability of routing protocols in IOT International conference on perceptions in biomedical engineering and affordable healthcare technologies, Thrissur
  • Mrs Linnet Tomy and Mrs Ann Rija Paul published a paper on “Two-Level Text Summarization with Sentiment Analysis for Multi-Document Summarization”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5, January 2019, Scopus Indexed.
  • Dr.M.Rajeswari, Mr Krishnadas J, Mrs Soumya Varma and Mrs Deepa Devassy published a paper on “Emerging Trends in Computing: Reliability Design for A VANET with WUGFT Subject To Time and Cost Constraints”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (HEAT), ISSN: 2249 — 8958, Volume-8 Issue-2,  December 2018, Scopus Indexed
  • Mr Wilson Joseph C, Mrs Anusree K, Mrs Roshni Menon R, An Rija Paul published a paper on “Certain Applications of Sensor Network in the Field of lot Big Data Analysis and Cloud”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018,Scopus Indexed.
  • Dr.M.Rajeswari, Mrs.Deepa Devassy, Mrs.Priya K.V, Ms.Divya R and Mrs.Jasmy Davis published a paper on “Vehicular Trusted Authority Centre to disseminate the traffic alert message using UGFT – Universal Generating Function Technique”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 16 2018, 997-1005, SCOPUS INDEXED.
  • Dr. M Rajeswari and Mr.Krishnadas J published a paper on “Survey on Misbehavior Detection systems in Wireless AdHoc Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2018, ISSN 2394-3777 (Print), ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
  •  Mrs.Livya George and Dr.M.Rajeswari presented a paper on “CSBC: Customer Segmentation in banking using Binary classification algorithm: A Data Mining Technique’, at International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision (AICV 2018) during 26th – 28th September 2018, Anna University Chennai.
  • Dr.R.Sunder published a paper on “Energy consumption Analysis of Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud using Hybrid swarm  optimization (ABC-BA)” in The Journal of Super Computing,Springer. ( https://doLorg/10.1007/s11227-018-2583-3)
  • Dr.R.Sunder published a paper on” Edge Aware Histogram Modification for High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding”, in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Volume 119, No. 18,2018. (Scopus Indexed)
Sl. NoFaculty NameNo. of papersTitle of the PaperJournal Details
1KRISHNADAS J (PhD)1A formal analysis of secure HCTE Routing Mechanism using Ea-Heed and MCSOMr. Krishnadas J published a paper titled “A formal analysis of secure HCTE Routing Mechanism using Ea-Heed and MCSO “ in the Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol 10, 12-Special Issue 2018 (SCOPUS Indexed)
2DIVYA R(PhD)1Classification of DR images and detection of different classes of diabetic retina using radial basis function neural networkMs. Divya R and Mrs. Jasmy Davis presented a paper on “Classification of DR images and detection of different classes of diabetic retina using radial basis function neural network” in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science & Technology at Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology on 27th November 2018.
3M. RAJESWARI1Emerging Trends in Computing: Reliability design for a VANET with WUGFT subject to time and cost constraintsDr.M.Rajeswari, Mr.Krishnadas J, Mrs. Soumya Varma and Mrs. Deepa Devassy presented a paper on “Emerging Trends in Computing: Reliability design for a VANET with WUGFT subject to time and cost constraints”, in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science & Technology at Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology on 27th November 2018.
4M. RAJESWARI1Performability of VBRCP in VANET using UGFTDr.M.Rajeswari, Mrs.Sheethal M.S and Mrs. Sreetha ES presented a paper on “Performability of VBRCP in VANET using UGFT”, in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science & Technology at Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology on 27th November 2018.
5R. SUNDER1Edge Aware Histogram Modification for High Capacity Reversible Data HidingDr.R.Sunder (CSE) published a paper entitled “Edge Aware Histogram Modification for High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding”, in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No.18,2018.(Scopus Indexed)
6M. RAJESWARI1Survey on Data Dissemination Process Using Routing Protocols in MANET and VANETDr.M.Rajeswari (CSE) published a paper entitled “Survey on Data Dissemination Process Using Routing Protocols in MANET and VANET”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 15-Special Issue, October 2017, SCOPUS INDEXED.
7KRISHNADAS J (PhD)1Survey on Misbehavior Detection systems in Wireless AdHoc NetworksDr. M Rajeswari, Mr.Krishnadas J(CSE) published a paper entitled “Survey on Misbehavior Detection systems in Wireless AdHoc Networks”, in International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2018, ISSN 2394-3777 (Print), ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
8M. RAJESWARI1Vehicular Trusted Authority Centre to disseminate the traffic alert message using UGFT – Universal Generating Function TechniqueDr.M.Rajeswari, Mrs.DeepaDevassy, Mrs.Priya K.V, Ms.Divya R and Mrs.Jasmy Davis(CSE) published a paper entitled “Vehicular Trusted Authority Centre to disseminate the traffic alert message using UGFT – Universal Generating Function Technique” in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 16 2018, 997-1005, SCOPUS INDEXED.
9LIVYA GEORGE1CSBC: Customer Segmentation in banking using Binary classification algorithm: A data mining techniqueMrs.Livya George and Dr.M.Rajeswari (CSE) presented a paper entitled “CSBC: Customer Segmentation in banking using Binary classification algorithm: A data mining technique” and got selected as a best paper. It will be published in SCI indexed journal on “Super Computing” at AICV 2018, Anna University, Chennai.
10JASMY DAVIES(PhD)1An efficient attack resistance model using application based polynomial distributionInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering “ Vol 3 Issue 10 October 2014, ISSN NO : 2320-9798-P, 2320-9801-O (6254-6263)
11PRIYA K V(PhD)1Mining Event-based Commonsense Knowledge from Web using NLP TechniquesPublished a paper on in IJCA on “Computational Science – New Dimensions & Perspectives” , 2011
13M. RAJESWARI1A survey on Brain Controlled Car using EEGPrint ISSN: 2395 – 1990, Online ISSN: 2394 – 4099, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.421 -423, Jan – Feb 2017.
14ANUSREE K1XML DISSEMINATION SCHEME FOR MOBILE COMPUTING BASED ON LINEAGE ENCODINGpublished in international journal of computer science and mobile computing
15DEEPA DEVASSY(PhD)1Different Implementations of Unmanned Ground Vehicle:A SurveyInternational Journal IJCSIT Volume 6.Issue 1.Pages 172-175
16M. RAJESWARI19Assessing the reliability of Adhoc Network using UGF: Probabilistic approachAJIT- ISSN : 1682-1935, Vol 15, No 3, April 2016, Pp. 563-566
17R. SATHEESH KUMAR1A Novel Approach for Optimized Feature Selection Technique in Medical Information RetrievalIETE Journal of Research
18R. SATHEESH KUMAR6Exploration of Sentiment Analysis and Legitimate Artistry for Opinion MiningIETE Journal of Research
19R. SATHEESH KUMAR1Computer Aided Content Analysis of Web Based Medical Queries: Classifying affective and Informative PostJournal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, vol. 9, No. Special Issue, pp. 37-45
20R. SATHEESH KUMAR1Mining Movie Reviews – An EvaluationInternational Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.56, Issue No.2, Page No.:290-295, 2013.
21R. SATHEESH KUMAR1A Survey On Collaborating Techniques and Qos Based Recommendation SystemARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue No. 6, Page No. 2582-2593
22M. RAJESWARI1BRAIN CONTROLLED CAR FOR DISABLED USING EEGISSN: 2456-3315, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp.83 -88, 2017
24DEEPA DEVASSY(PhD)1Different Implementations of Unmanned Ground Vehicle:A SurveyInternational Journal ISJSET Vol 19 .Issue 2.March 2016.
25ANILA THOMAS1Intrusion detection and prevention system for cloud simulation environment using hidden markov modelInternational Journal IJSCET Volume 2 Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2015
26VINCE PAUL20Recommendation System Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Techniques,International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, June 2016. Volume 6, Issue No.6
27JASMY DAVIES(PhD)1Encryption then Compression using Auxillary InformationIJESC Journal Publication and being indexed in major libraries currently. The assigned DOI number is: DOI 10.4010/2016.1662, Volume 6, Issue No.6.
28VINCE PAUL1An Intelligent System For Service Recommendation On Large Data Clusters ,Volume 6 Issue No. 6, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, June 2016.
29VINCE PAUL1Normal Abnormal Brain Image Detection Using Image Fusion and Artificial Neural Network,International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, June 2016. Volume 6, Issue No.6.,
30VINCE PAUL1AML Detection in Blood Microscopic Images Using DRLBP and DRLTP Feature Extraction,International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, June 2016, Volume 6, Issue No.6.,
31R. SATHEESH KUMAR1A Review On Data Privacy Protection And Types Of Attacks In Cloud ComputingARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 10, Issue No. 6, Page No. 2675-2680, April 2015.
32M. RAJESWARI1Reliability analysis of MANET with RCFP: Reliable Cluster Forming ProtocolISSN : 0973-4562, Vol 11, No 1, 2016, Pp. 440-447
33ANILA THOMAS1Railway level crossing gate control and measurement system for railway track condition monitoringInternational Journal IJSCET
34KRISHNAPRIYA K S (PhD)2Handwritten Text Extraction using HOG Feature and SVMInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Computing, Volume 6, Issue No.4, April 2017.
35SMITHA JOSEPH1A Sophisticated Approach to Secret Sharing Using XOR with Authentication Using Iris RecognitionInternational Journal on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition(IJIPPR)


  • Gayathri Narayanan, Dr. M Rajeswari and Mr. Krishnasas J published a paper on “Survey on misbehavior detection systems in wireless ad-hoc networks” in International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology, ISSN 2394-3777 (print) ISSN 2394-3785 (online), volume 5, number 3. pp.29-32, March 2018.
  • Therese Johnson, Justine Baru, Rismy C. and Dr.M. Rajeswari published a paper on “Blind reader”, in technical research organization india. ISSN (print):  2393-8374, (online): 2394-0697, volume-5, issue-2, 2018.
  •  Rosemol, Pinky Jose. Riya and Ms. Livya George published a paper on “Voice based system”, in Technical research organization india. ISSN (print): 2393-8374, (online): 2394-0697, volume-5, issue-3. 2018.
  • Rijoy Paul. Nima Varghese, Unni Menon and Shyam Krishna K published a paper on “Railway Track Crack Detection”. In International Journal Of Advance Research And Development (IJARND), Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2018.
  • Linu Tony, Rosminna Paulson, Lint P M and Roshni R Menon published a paper on “Enhancing Secure Communication Using Combined Cryptography And Steganography” In International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR). Volume-5. Issue-3, 2018.
  • Namitha Menon K, Jisna Joseph, Lismaria K Thomas and Ann Rija Paul published a paper on “Easy Park: A Parking Lot Guidance Software” In International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR), ISSN (Print): 2393-8374. (Online): 2394-0697. Volume-5, Issue-3, 2018.
  • Ravisankar S, Maria Davis, Nikhil P S and Deepa Devassy published a paper on “Brain Computer Interface For Paralyzed People” In International Journal For Research And Development In Technology ( IJRDT ), SSN(0):2349-3585, Volome.9,Issue-3 (Mar 18).
  • Rejoy Jose, Henna Francis, Nitsa Mathews and Smitha Joseph C published a paper on “Shop Easy” In International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR) , ISSN (Print): 2393-8374, (Online): 23011-069 Volume-5, Issue-3, 2018.
  • Tony Jose Eluvathingal, Misab P. V, Vishnu T. S and Anusree K published a paper on “Advanced Walking Stick For Visually Impaired” In International Journal Of Advance Research, Ideas And Innovations In Technology (IJARIIT), ISSN: 2454-132X, Volume 4, Issue 2.
  •  Neema Jojul, Merin Mariya C, Niya Mary Joshua and Tresa Thomas published a paper on “ Panulat- An Automated Pen” In International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR), ISSN (Print) :2394-0697, Volume-5, Issue-3, 2018.
Sl. NoStudent NameNo. of papersTitle of the PaperJournal Details
1Meenumuraleedharan , Merin K J, Nijisha Jose1IoT Based Automatic Bed for Differently -abledPublished in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Vol:4, Issue 3, March 2017
2Anjali Kakkassery, Ferdinant John, Ferdinant John1Indoor Positioning SystemKerala Technological Congress (KETCON-2018 Human Computer Interface)
3Aswin Manoharan, Anjo Joseph, Ancy Mariya Varghese1Dyn-Nex: Automatic Energy MeterInternational Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research, Volume-5, Issue-4
4Divin Davis,Anjana Shaji, Edwin Earny,R Satheesh Kumar1Cloud Security – Protection for Cloud Data Using 3DES EncryptionAsian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) ,Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 275-280
5Ajay V G, Aswathy N A, Chandik M Sharma, Ann Rija Paul1Circuit Build AR: Interactive Circuit Designing and SimulatingInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 03
6Doniya Antony, Jancy M P1Personal Intelligent Assistant For Speech RecognitionAsian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 190-195
7Amal Shaju, Arun Joseph1Keep It – A system to store certificates and develop a profileInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 05 Issue: 03
8Anjaly Rajesh, Alen Antony, Femy Jose1IoT Based Smart Street Light SystemAsian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST), Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 312-320
10Acqueela G Palathingal , Anmy George , Blessy Ann Thomas1Enhanced Cloud Data Security using Combined Encryption and SteganographyInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 05 Issue: 03, 2018
11Amrutha P J, Gopka G1EFFICIENT STUDENT FACULTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 03
12Ananthu T .S, Athira Jayan, Felna Francy Chazhoor1Digitalization of Medical PrescriptionInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 03, 2018
13Alex Joseph, Alistar Fernandez, Jasir Ahamed P.A1No More Third UmpiresInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 03 , 2018
14Ansa Sebastian, Anu Jacob, Angel Wilson1Iot Based Underground Cable Line Fault DetectionInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 03, 2018
15AlosiousDavis, Athira Joy,Edwin Jose1Financial Accounting And Inventory Management SystemAsian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) Volume 1, Issue 9, Pages 326-339 , 2018
16Anagha S Ranjit, Dona David, Aathira Ravindran1Unmanned Toll E-Ticketing SystemInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 03 , 2018
17Angel Johny, Ann Johnson Panadan1Architecture In Augmented RealityKerala Technological Congress (KETCON-2018 Human Computer Interface, 2018
18Anto Jose , Anumol Antony , Helena Varghese1Smartbox for AutomobilesPublished in International Journal for research Trends and Innovation Vol: 2, Issue:3 , 2017
19Sreelakshmin K U , Vivek John1Railway Level Crossing Gate Control and Measurement System for Railway Track Condition MonitoringPublished in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol.5, Issue 9, September 2016
20Atna Rose , Deenrose Dickson , Anu KT , Diana Poulose1A Survey Paper on Cloud Security with Anonymous Authentication of Data Using ABEPublished in International Journal of Core Engineering & Management Vol: 3 Issue:6 September 2016
21Anto Jose , Anumol Antony , Helena Varghese1An Investigation on Black Box for VehiclesPublished in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research Vol: 1, Issue 10 , October 2016
22Dinil Davis , Joshwa George , Kiran M R1A survey Paper on Automatic Dim Bright Head Lamp System and Noise Free Horns in Automobiles using V2V Communication TechniquePublished in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research Vol: 1, Issue 11 , November 2016
23Ann Christeen Saji, Annmary Paul, Ansha Sankar1Brain Tumor Detection Using Image ProcessingPublished in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Vol:3, Issue 10, October 2017
24Dinil Davis, Joshwa George, Kiran M R1Automatic Head Light Dimmer and Noise Free Horns in AutomobilesPublished in International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation Vol: 2, Issue:3 , 2017
25Jeril Johnson, Glen Thomas, Emily Stephen P1Mining Opinion Features in Customer ReviewsPublished in International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends Vol: 3, Issue 9, September -2016
26Merin Grace Ben, Sneha Thomas, Shiphia Philip1Earthquake Detection Using GSM and MonitoringPublished in International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation Vol: 2, Issue:3 , 2017
27Princy George, Naveen Davis, Tom Joseph, Rahul John1Automatic Irrigation System Using Sensors and Micro ControllersPublished in International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation Vol: 2, Issue:3 , 2017
  • Anju Varghese,Christy Paul,Dilna Titus Published a survey paper entitled “Sign speak” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC), guided by Mr.Vijith C (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • V S Sreehari ,Vishnu K B and Nivea Rose V G Published survey paper entitled “Aquatic waste management system”, in the Published in the JETIR International Journal, guided by Mr.Vijith C (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Atna Rose, Deenrose Dickson, Anu KT, Diana Poulose Published a survey paper entitled “Cloud Security with anonymous authentication of data using ABE”, in the IJCEM journal, guided by Mrs.Anila Thomas (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Krishnapriya K B, Sreelakshmi K U,Vivek JohnPublished a survey paper entitled “Railway Level Crossing Gate Control & Measurement System for Railway Track Condition Monitoring”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, guided by Mrs.Anila Thomas (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Ansa Babu, Anu Joseph, Filiya Francis, published a survey paper entitled “Light Dimmer with Implementation of Data Abstraction While Crashing”,in the International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2016, pp. 530-534,guided by Mr.Krishandas J,Assistant Professor (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Anik Raj C ,Ajitha Mohan and Christo jacob Published a survey paper entitled “Modular Conversational Bot” in the IJERT Journal, guided by Mrs. Priya K V(Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Ann Christeen Saji, Annmary Paul and Ansha Sankar Published a survey paper entitled “Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Processing”, in the Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Vol. 3 Issue 10, October 2016, guided by Mrs. Sheethal Basil (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Aparna Ajaykumar,Akshay C.B,Juvin Varghese, Published a survey paper entitled “Survey On Cryptography Algorithms”,in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing(IJESC),Volume 6, Issue No.10,oct 2016,guided by Mr.Vishnu G Nair (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Joel Hanson,Annette Joy K,Jerin Francis and Anandhakrishnan M GPublished a survey paper entitled “Image processing based plant leaf disease detection” in the IJESC, Vol. 6 Issue 10, October 2016, guided by Mrs.Divya Michael (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Roshmy Davis,Rosmy Thomas , MagyK.B published a survey paper entitled Survey on Efficient Automatic Liver Tumor Detection from CT Images”,Vol.3 Issue 10 , October 2016, guided by Mrs. Divya Michael (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Meera Paulson, Silpa Davis and Nathasha P.R Published a survey paper entitled “Survey on Smart Presentation using gesture Recognition” in the International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology IRJET, Vol. 3 Issue 10,October 2016 guided by Mrs. Soumya Varma (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Ashly Raphel,Catherine Davis Mannummal,Joslin Johnson Published a survey  paper entitled “Survey on Malayalam OCR Module” in the Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Vol. 3 Issue 10,October 2016 , guided by Mrs.Soumya Varma(Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Femi A., Ann Mary J., Jency K. and Diffeena S. published a survey paper entitled “A survey on secured ECG monitoring system using wireless sensor networks and IOT”, in the International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 8, 2016,guided byMrs. Deepa Maria (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Rithu Thomson, Tinto Varghese and Sanjay Menon published a Survey paper on “Human Detecting Drone for Rescue operations and Terrorist activity Detection”, in the Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Vol. 3 Issue 10,October 2016, guided by Mrs. Deepa Maria (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Asha Mariya Joshy,Angel Rose,Ann Mariya JoshyPublished a survey paper entitled “Survey on Heart disease diagnostics using predictive data mining” in the international Journal of Core Engineering & Management IJCEM Vol.3 Issue 6,Sepetember 2016 guided by Ms.Divya R (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Anumol Johnson Published a paper entitled “An intelligent System for Service Recommendations on Large Data Clusters” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing IJESC Vol.6 Issue 6,June 2016, guided by Ms.Divya R (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Anumol Antony ,Helena Varghese, Anto Jose Published a survey paper entitled “Automobile In Blackbox system for accidental analysis” in IJSEDR Vol.1,Issue.10, guided by Ms.Princy George (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Anju Devassy,Akhila N V, Aparna Dileep Published a survey paper entitled “Survey on Stampede Detection and Pilgrim Tracking” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing(IJESC) Vol.6 Issue 10,October 2016, guided by Ms.Krishnapriya K S (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Mary K B,Tilty Tony and Regina Mary Baspin Published a survey paper entitled “Shopping Application using augmented Reality” in the Journal of Emerging  Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Vol.3 Issue 10,October 2016, guided by Mrs.Sreetha E.S (Asst.Prof.CSE).
  • Emily Stephen P,Glen Thomas,Jeril Johnson Published a survey paper entitled “Mining Opinion Features in Customer Reviews” in the International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends,Vol.3,Issue 10,ISSN .23497084.
  • Minnu Moothedan Published a paper entitled “SLA for IAAS Clouds” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing(IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.
  • Remya VinayaKumar Published a paper entitled “Recognition and Performance Analysis of Handwritten Document using Artifical Intelligance & fuzzy logic” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing(IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.
  • Lavannya Varghese Published a paper entitled “Recommendation System using machine Learning and Data mining Techniques” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing(IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.
  • Magniya Davis Published a paper entitled “Enhanced Vision of hazy Images using Haze Thickness estimation and illumination Adjustment” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.
  • Evline J Alappatt Published a paper entitled “Interactive Color Transfer Based on Interactive Region Merging” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing(IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.
  • Cinu Joseph Published a paper entitled “Encryption then Compression using Auxiliary Information” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul, Mrs.Jasmy Davies. 
  • Soumya Xavier Published a paper entitled “Face and Facial Expression Recognition for Security and Identification” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.
  • Sukanya C.M Published a paper entitled “AML Detection in Blood Microscopic Images using DRLBP and DRLTP feature extraction” in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC),Vol.6,Issue 6,July 2016, guided by Dr.Vince Paul.