Ms.Anjana R Menon ,faculty of civil Engineering got selection for the admission of PhD in NIT Calicut
- Ms. Reshma Antony and Ms Remya P M of Civil Department got selection for part time PhD Programme in CUSAT .
- Mr. Jithin David Registered for Part-time PhD Programme at CUSAT on August 2019
Prof. Sunny C P published a textbook for Xth standard of Technical High school on General Engineering (Civil).
SAHRDAYAM 2016- This is a project of Civil Engineering Department of SAHRDAYA COLLEGE of ENGINEERING, KODAKARA taken up as a part of our social commitment. This year 2016 we are dedicating this project for building a home of love for an old woman with her ailed son living in a colony near to sahrdaya advaced studies. This project is indented to be accomplished under the leadership of our 2013 batch of Civil students.
Ms. Shini Shanmughan received Best research paper award in Structural engineering From VIT University, Chennai.
Ms. Shini Shanmughan has been invited as a Reviewer for the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

The department of Civil Engineering has taken the initiative to extend the support to those people who are affected by the flood. By the joint initiative by Management, Students and Faculty members, a new house is being constructed for a family near to the college. The ‘SAHRDAYAM 2K19’ is leaded by Prof. Sunny C.P, HOD of Civil Engineering Department is an attempt to create Engineers with Social Responsibility.