Internal compliance cell Sahrdaya

Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology (SCET) has an Internal Committee (IC) constituted under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and UGC Guidelines 2016. The Cell is headed by a Professor / Associate professor and had members from all departments, student representatives and a social worker in the relevant area.  The Committee/Cell investigates complaints of any instance of sexual harassment happening on campus and other women related issues in the campus. This can include any behavior (physical, verbal or non-verbal of a sexual nature) by fellow students, faculty or non-teaching staff. The complainant can connect with the Internal Committee through personal, email (, approach any of the members while on campus. The complaints, if received are taken up, assessed and a report submitted in a time bound manner keeping up the confidentiality and privacy of the complainant.   The cell also organizes programs every year to create awareness amongst the girl/women about their role in the society thereby empowering the girl students of the college. Programs are also organized regarding gender sensitization and women health on yearly basis.  The Committee holds two formal meeting in a year along with additional meetings whenever required.