Innovative TLM

Innovative Teaching-Learning Methods (TLMs) are creative and modern tools that make the learning process engaging, interactive, and effective. These methods go beyond traditional methods, incorporating modern technology, interdisciplinary approaches, and learner-centric strategies. The faculty members of the Department focus on implementing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) by integrating traditional, digital, and innovative approaches into the teaching-learning process.

It is a student-centered approach where learning is facilitated through hands-on activities, experiments, games, or real-world tasks. This method encourages active participation, problem-solving, and collaborative learning, making education more interactive and engaging.

Project based learningStudents are encouraged to do projects apart from the  university curriculum. Students are divided into groups under the supervision of a faculty. At the end of the semester, project are exhibited to all students in the college and evaluated by an expert team. Details of sample project is given below.
Trash into Treasure: It is an innovative solution aimed at combating plastic pollution. The experiment is used to create petrol like substance from the useless plastic seen around our area. The main aim is to create unrefined petrol from plastic. The theory behind “Making Petrol from Plastic” involves a process called pyrolysis, which is a thermal decomposition of plastic waste in the absence of oxygen. This process breaks down plastic polymers into smaller molecules, producing a synthetic crude oil that can be refined into various fuels, including petrol (gasoline).

Guide: Ms. Drisya K Sasi
Members: Mithun Manoharan, Sharhan Ahamed K A, Alster Johny, Joel Varghese Elanjickal (2023 - 27 Batch)
Seminar based learningThe second year and third year students are given classroom seminars, apart from their regular curriculum. Students are divided into groups based on the number of theory courses in that semester, and a course faculty mentor is allotted for each group. A student will be assigned with seminar topics related to the specific area of the course by the respective faculty. The objective of the classroom seminar is to develop higher cognitive and affective abilities. The classroom seminar method gives good motivation and learning experience.

Role palyRole play is an interactive activity where participants act out specific roles or scenarios to explore real-life situations, build skills, and enhance understanding of concepts.

Faculty : Drisya K Sasi
Course : MCN 401 Industrial Safety  Engineering( 2021-25 batch)

Role play is conducted based on the topic "Role of management, supervisors, workers, unions, Government etc. in Industrial safety". It not only allows students to step into others' shoes, fostering a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives but also provides a platform to practice, refine skills and overcome stage fear.
Crossword puzzleCrossword puzzle is conducted based on the course "DC Machines & Transformers". Students are divided into groups and given a puzzle. It creates a gamified learning environment that motivates students to participate. It helps students review and apply key concepts in an engaging way.

Faculty: Drisya K Sasi
Course: EET308 comprehensive course work( 2021-25 batch)
QuizzesFaculty members conduct technical quizzes on the topics pertaining to their course as this helps to enhance the learning experience and also retains the concepts learned in the class.
Faculty: Neethu John
Course: EET301 Power Systems I (2022-26 batch)

For Power system I a technical quiz is conducted on the topics  a) power generation & energy related terms 2) corona ,insulators  as part of class work. 

Faculty :Drisya K Sasi
Course:MCN401 Industrial Safety Engineering(2022-26 batch)

Quiz is conducted as a part of a tutorial based on the topic "Various types of Fire and Fire extinguishers.
Technical paper writingStudents are mandated to prepare a technical paper based on their project topic during final year. Also they are encouraged to present the paper in any of the National/ International Conferences. We are also providing a skill development workshop in Latex for S6 students in technical paper writing. 

This method involves taking apart electrical machines and measurement instruments to examine their internal components, understand their construction, and explain their working principles. It is an active, hands-on approach that helps students connect theoretical knowledge with the physical structures and functionality of the equipment.

Faculty: Adarsh S R

Course: EET202 DC machines and Transformers (2022-26 batch)

Explained about the construction details of a DC machine, including its core components such as the yoke, poles, armature, commutator, and brushes, can be thoroughly understood after dismantling the machine. This process also provides insights into the types of windings used, such as lap or wave winding, and the role of brushes in maintaining electrical contact with the commutator.

Faculty: Dr. Vishnu Gopan K

Course: EET203 Measurements & Instrumentation (2023-27 batch)

Explained about the constructions details of Moving Coil and Moving Iron type ammeter and voltmeters for the third semester students. The construction of single phase energy meter was also explained. The devices were dismantled and the control torque and damping mechanism were explained clearly. 

Screen cast videosThe faculty members have also created audio lectures supporting the power point presentation which are shared with the students. This will help the students to access and understand the concepts more clearly as well as assist students who have been unable to attend classes.
Faculty: Neethu John
Course: EET205 Analog Electronics (2022-26 batch)
Faculty: Drisya K Sasi
Course: EET305 Signal and Systems (2022-26 batch)

YouTube channelsStudents are provided with video lectures for some courses through YouTube channels that they can access while they are away from the Institute.
Faculty: Ms. Drisya K Sasi
Course: EET305 Signal and Systems (2022-26 batch)

Channel Link
Google ClassroomThis platform has eased the process of content sharing between the students and the faculty members. Students are invited to join a class through a private code, or automatically imported from the college domain. This also enables us to schedule classes, assignments and exams by the teachers using Google forms directly from the classrooms. Faculty members can monitor the progress of each student by reviewing revision history of a document.

Faculty Neethu John
Course: EET304 Power System II (2021-25 batch)
Online ClassesWhen classes cannot be conducted on campus, remedial classes and special classes are organized as online classes in the platform such as Google meet. These online classes are recorded for future reference.
Faculty: Sreekanth S
Course: EET307 Synchronous and Induction Machines (2022-2026 batch)
Explained the working principle of Synchronous Generator through animation videos that visualize the construction of the machine and its working principle.
Flipped ClassroomA face-to-face discussion will be conducted in the classroom which will eventually help the students in extended learning/ relearn the concepts more precisely.

Faculty: Drisya K Sasi

Course: EET305 Signal and Systems (2022-2026 batch)
It is based on the topic "Sampling". A recorded video based on the topic is shared to students and tells them to go through the same and come prepared for a presentation. The next day discussion is conducted on the topic by dividing students into 5 groups for 10 minutes. After the discussion, one from each group is asked to present the concept.

Course: EET306 Power Electronics (2022-2026 batch)
It is based on the topic "Turn-ON Methods of SCR". Various Materials based on the topic are shared to students and tell them to go through the same and get prepared for a presentation. The next day two students were selected randomly and gave presentation by them for the entire class. Also, question answer session and discussion conducted.

Think-Pair-Share methodIn this activity, the instructor states an open-ended question. Students are asked to spend one or two minutes to think about the question and give individual response. Then they are asked to pair with a partner to discuss their responses. Reconvene the class after a few minutes, each team will share their response.

Faculty: Maria Rose K J
Course: MCN201 Sustainable Engineering(2023-27 batch)
Students are tasked with exploring the concept of "Zero Waste" and generating innovative ideas on its implementation. After group discussions, students shared their thoughts and insights. Selected students were then invited to present their perspectives on the topic fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment.
Group DiscussionGroup Discussion (GD) is a teaching-learning method where a small group of students engages in a structured discussion on a given topic or issue. They not only help students gain in-depth knowledge but also develop essential life skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Faculty: Drisya K Sasi
Course: MCN401 Industrial Safety Engineering (2021-25 batch)
Group discussion is conducted on the topic "Various Personal Protective Equipment". It help the students to make the concepts more clear.
Faculty: Adarsh S R
Course: HUT200 Professional Ethics(2023-27 batch)
Group discussion is conducted on the topic "Academic integrity". It helps students to understand more about the correct concepts of the same.
Case StudyIn this activity, students analyze real-life cases, identifying issues and proposing solutions.

Faculty: Maria Rose K J
Course: MCN301 Disaster Management(2023-27 batch)
A video analysis highlighted the devastating impact of climate change on eco-sensitive zones and alarming rise in natural disasters with in the country. Students were assigned to write a reflective piece on the current climate change scenario, incorporating insights from the recent Wayanad disaster.
BrainstormingA group of students are given a single problem and asked spontaneously for the rapidity of ideas to increase the spontaneity of interactions. Creative and Effective thoughts begin to evolve from this group process.
Faculty: Drisya K Sasi
Course: EST200 Design and Engineering (2022-26 batch)

A brainstorming session conducted for the design of a portable dining table with aesthetics.
Study Group ActivityDuring Fridays, one hour is allotted for study group activities in all second year and third year classes under the supervision of advisors. Students are instructed to conduct different interesting activities during study group activities. This inculcates leadership, communication skills, presentation skills, and responsibility in students.

It refers to assessment methods that are designed to have minimal consequences for students grades or overall performance. Low-stakes tests focus on encouraging regular learning, self-assessment, and improvement, without the pressure of significant academic penalties. These tests aim to enhance learning by providing students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in a low-pressure environment.

  • Online quizzes
  • Classroom quizzes

Faculty: Sreekanth S.

Course: EET308  Comprehensive Course Work (2022-26 batch)

Short timed quizzes using Google Forms were conducted, focusing on multiple-choice questions to evaluate core subject DC machines and transformers.

Faculty: Drisya K Sasi

Course: EET206  Digital Electronics (2023-27 batch)

Low stake testing is conducted on some topics "number system conversions" and "boolean laws and theorem" to know the understanding level of students at the same instant of lecture delivery.

Assignment-Based Teaching-Learning is an approach in education where assignments are used as a rimary tool for facilitating learning. In this method, students are given specific tasks or projects to complete, which require them to apply what theyve learned, conduct research, solve problems, and engage in critical thinking. This approach allows students to take responsibility for their own learning and encourages them to deepen their understanding of topics beyond the classroom.

Simulation based AssignmentsSimulation-based assignments encourage active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving by providing hands-on experience without the risks or costs associated with real-world trials. Commonly used simulation tools are MATLAB, Proteus etc. 
Some courses that include simulation assignments are listed below: 
Faculty: Mr. Sreekanth S
Course: EET413 Electric Drives(2021-25 batch)
Simulation-based assignments were provided on DC drives fed from single-phase and three-phase converters. The assignments involved analyzing the variation of motor parameters with changes in the firing angle.
Faculty: Ms. Drisya K Sasi
Course: EET305 Signals and Systems(2022-26 batch)
MATLAB based assignment is given to determine the response of a system with various inputs and stability analysis of the given system. Learning through doing is more effective for retaining information than passive learning methods.
Library based AssignmentThese are tasks that require students to use library resources, such as books, journals, online databases, and other academic materials, to gather information, conduct research, and complete assignments. 
Faculty: Ms. Drisya K Sasi
Course: EET306 Power Electronics (2020-24 batch, 2021-25 batch, 2022-26 batch)
Library based assignments are given on the topic "Power semiconductor devices: Construction and Characteristics". Students are divided into groups and allowed to sit in the library. They referred the books and written the assignments.

Classrooms in the Department are provided with an LCD projector and a computer with LAN/smart board and high-speed internet access that allows for multimedia presentation. The faculty member can alternate between using either black board and the LCD projector or smart board judiciously allowing for a more efficient lecture delivery. 

Some classrooms in the department are provided with smartboards.Smartboard teaching modernizes the classroom by integrating technology to make learning more interactive, collaborative, and enjoyable. When used effectively, it supports diverse learning styles, encourages student participation, and helps bridge the gap between traditional and digital education.

Faculty and students can also access the e-resources from the classroom through high speed wireless internet. The students can further access the server of the digital library from the comfort of their home with the help of the URL link provided in the college website.

Central Libraray-E-resource

e-books and e-journals can be accessed using the link given below.


IEEE Xplore:


Faculty members and students are motivated to take up online courses for their subjects from various reputed platforms including NPTEL and Coursera.

Faculty members and students are motivated to take up online courses for their subjects from various reputed platforms including NPTEL and Coursera.

NPTEL Local Chapter:

Our college is having NPTEL Local Chapter: It is a partnership between the college and NPTEL. Many students and faculty members in the department enrol for courses and get certified after the successful completion of the course. 

Faculty: Mr. Adarsh S R, Dr. Vishnu Gopan K (Mentors) Course: HUT200 Professional Ethics (2023-27 batch). Total 27 students out of 30 registered, got the certification with 1 Silver and 9 Elite certificates.

Alumni InteractionAlumni interactions are an invaluable part of the educational experience, providing students with direct access to mentors, industry insights, and professional networks. They help create a supportive, engaged community that benefits both current students and alumni, fostering lifelong connections and learning opportunities.
An Alumni interaction for S7EEE students were conducted  on 14/11/2023.The session was handled by Mr. Binil Bhasy, Electro-Technical Officer, Anglo Eastern shipping company. He gave an insight about machine side, Electrical drives, Automation side in ship industry. He also gave idea regarding career opportunities in the marine ship industry.
Expert talk from IndustryExpert talks from industries provide a bridge between theoretical learning and practical application, offering a unique opportunity to learn directly from professionals who have hands-on experience and deep knowledge in their respective fields.
Expert talk conducted during 2024-25 AY:
Topic: Power Transformers Design & Testing by Mr Reji John, Rtd DGM, TELK.
Topic: Introduction to Design of Electric Vehicles as per AIS by Mr Ajith M, Senior Engineer, R & D, Hykon India Ltd.
Workshops beyond the SyllabusTo enhance the skills of the students, our faculty members are proficient in conducting workshops. Workshops are  handled by industrial experts, training experts or faculty members. The various workshops and addons given beyond the syllabus are PLC-SCADA, Python Programming, AutoCAD, PCB design, MATLAB etc.
Workshops conducted:
PLC SCADA & Automation by Mr Vipin Vaishakh C S Project Engineer, IPCS Global Academy, Kochi (2020-2024 batch)
Autocad with MEP Electrical by Vineeth Narayan & Rajeesh M, CADD Center (2019-2023 batch)
Autocad with MEP Electrical by Ms Keerthi M. S. & Ms Muhsina Faisal, Faculty CADD Center (2021-2025 & 2022-24 batch)
PCB Design by Mr Midhun C, Electronics CADD Engineer, Design Alpha (2021-25, 2022-26 and 2023-27 batch)

We invite educators, students, researchers, and industry professionals to review these innovations and provide valuable feedback. Your insights will help us refine and improve these methodologies for greater impact. Click here to submit your review: