Journal/ Conference Publications
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Paper Title | Name Journal/ Conference |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Analysis of Machine and Deep Learning-based Approaches in Fetal Brain Abnormality Detection using Ultrasound Images | 2nd IEEE International Conference on Integrated Intelligence and Communication Systems (ICIICS) 2024 |
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Patent Title | Category | Application No. | Month & Year | Status |
1 | Mr. Sebin Davis K | Efficient Power Distribution Unit with Smart Energy Monitoring Device | UK | 6391529 | September 2024 | Published |
Book/ Book Chapter
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Book Chapter Name | Book Name | DOI/ URL | Year | Publisher |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Chapter 9, Integration of Cloud and Edge Computing in Distributed Renewable Energy Systems | Digital Innovations for Renewable Energy and Conservation | 10.4018/979-8-3693-6532-8.ch009 | 2024 | IGI Global, USA |
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Patent Title | Category | Application No. | Month & Year | Status |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Secured Data Transfer using Block Chain Technology | Indian | 202341054712 A | September 2023 | Published |
2 | Mr. Sebin Davis K | Traffic AI Router International Design | UK | 6362787 | May 2024 | Published |
Journal/ Conference Publication
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Paper Title | Journal Details |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Brushless Direct Current Motor Analysis and Controller Design | 2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT) |
Journal/ Conference Publications
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Paper Title | Journal Details |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Analysis of DC and RF performance of Al0.31Ga0.69N/ Al0.1Ga0.9N/ β-Ga2O3 double quantum well HEMT on silicon carbide substrate | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, March 2023 DOI: 10.1002/mmce.23141 |
2 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Application of Different Techniques for Medical Image Processing - A Systematic Review | Design Engineering (Toronto)Journal, Volume 2021, Issue 9, Page. No 13910 -13917, 2021 (Scopus) |
3 | Dr. V. Vijikala | A Machine Learning Approach for Analyzing Medical Data’sto Detect Patients Disease and for Recommending Appropriate Drugs | Solid State Technology, Volume: 64, Issue: 2, Publication Year: 2021 |
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Patent Title | Category | Application No. | Month & Year | Status |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | A System and Method for Person Detection in Aerial Imagery using Semantic Segmentation | Australian | 2021103130 | March 2022 | Published |
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Paper Title | Journal Details |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | A Machine Learning Approach for Analysing Medical Data sto DetectPatients Disease and for Recommending Appropriate Drugs | Solid StateTechnology journal, Scopus Indexed, Volume:64 issue:2 |
2 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research | TechnicalResearch Publications, ISBN:978-93-5419-211-1 |
3 | Mr. Shimin V V | Improvised E-Rickshaws for Indian Roads by Effective Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybridization | Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Volume 5, Issue 5, Page No 1162-1171, 2020(Scopus) |
4 | Mr. Shimin V V | Energy Based Equivalent Circuit Modelling of Ultracapacitor Considering Variation of ESR with OCV | International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2020. |
5 | Mr. Abhijith R Prasad | Design & Modeling of Thermal Energy Harvesting System for Power Transformer | International Conference for Convergence in Technology. |
6 | Ms. Drisya K Sasi | Interleaved Bidirectional DC/DC Converter Topologies for Solar based Standalone Distributed Generation Systems | IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON-2020 |
7 | Ms. Drisya K Sasi | A Survey of Bidirectional DC/DC Converters for Battery Storage Applications in Distributed Generation Systems” in the proceedings of | IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology (ICETEST 2020) held at GEC Thrissur. |
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Paper Title | Journal Details |
1 | Dr. V. Vijikala | A Novel Decision support system for Malignant Tumor using 3DReconstruction and Volumetric analysis | Journal of Research in Dynamical & Control systems Vol12, No. 3 2020. |
2 | Dr. V. Vijikala | Early detection and classification of breast tumor from mammogram images | International journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation ISSN: 1475 - 7192, Vol 24, Issues3 2020. |
3 | Mr. Shimin V. V. | Energy Based Equivalent Circuit Modelling of Ultracapacitor Considering Variation of ESR with OCV | International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 40(2).(SCI) |
4 | Mr. Shimin V. V. | Vector Control Based Regenerative Braking for Induction Motor Driven Battery Electric Vehicles | International Journal ofPower and Energy Systems,40(3) (SCI) |
5 | Mr. Abhijith R Prasad | Design and Modelling of Thermal Energy Harvesting system for Power Transformer | IEEE Xplore. |
Sl. No. | Name of Students | Paper Title | Journal/ Conference Details |
1 | Akash Ramachandran, Dixon Joy, Richard Tomell C S and Maria Thomas | Bidirectional EV Charger | International Conference on Circuit, Control and Energy ICCCE 2024, organized by Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Thrissur |
2 | Shine Shaji, Sivaprasad K J, Angelo J Akkara | BIOGAI | International Conference on Circuit, Control and Energy ICCCE 2024, organized by Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Thrissur |
Sl. No. | Name of Students | Paper Title | Journal/ Conference Details |
1 | Abhay Ramesh, Ananya Menon, Melvin Davis, Yadhukrishna T J | Brushless Direct Current Motor Analysis and Controller Design | Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT 2022), organized by Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur, August 11th and 12th 2022 |
Sl. No. | Name of Students | Paper Title | Journal Details |
1 | Ludin Lawrence, Derick Joy, Jeswin Paul & Fathmathul Zuhra | Design and Evaluation ofVoltage Control using Static Stabilizer | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 10 Issue 06, June-2021. |
2 | Gilbert Steephan, N Sagar Sunil & Rahul M M | Underground Cable Fault Detection Device | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
3 | Anoop Pisharodi, Femi C. Anto, Fresy Mariya Francis & Jayasankar M. U | Automated Transmission Line Laboratory Equipment | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
4 | Koovakattil Nikhila Kuttan, Aditya K S, Alsafa C S & Gokul Radhakrishnan | Wireless Power Transmission Using Class E Power Amplifier from Solar Input | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
5 | Arun K P, Devassy Thomas, Joel Thomas & Harikrishnan K B | IoT Based Load Scheduling Inverter | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
6 | Hariprasad A, Sreekutty K S, Kevin Paulson & Shreehari P S | IOT Enabled Smart Charging Stations For Vehicles | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
7 | Jophy Johny, Delbin K Biju, Aveens Varghese & Justin Joyson | Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicle | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
8 | Milan K V, Gokul Krishna, Abhinanth Delish & Delvin Davis | Remote Healthcare Assistance and Automatic Ambulance Service | Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, ISSN [ONLINE]: Volume 7, Issue 6 in June2021. |
9 | Akshay Babu, Aleena Joseph, Aswathi V.S. and Sharon Joseph Ponthokkan | A Novel Approach to Implementation of Lighting Design Using Virtual Reality | International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, volume 5, issue 7, July 2020 |
10 | Patric Paul Pullukara, Shinton Eappen George, Rose Raphy Pallikunnan and Jipson P V | Integration of Vehicle to Home using Plugged-in and Solar Charged Electric Vehicle | International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, volume 5, issue 7, July 2020 |
11 | Antony Paul, Abin Antony, Anand P Nandakumar and Anjali Nebu | Futurecom power management | International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, volume 5, issue 7, July 2020 |