Doctor consultation will be available today from 1:30 p.m to 2:30 p.m Venue : Admin block-Training and placement department.
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Doctor consultation will be available today from 1:30 p.m to 2:30 p.m Venue : Admin block-Training and placement department.
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Yesterday, we had a campus recruitment by a civil company – Mazameer Design & Engineering Studio for final year civil students. S4 CAT exams start today.
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The department of Biomedical Engineering is conducting a 2 day Interactive seminar cum Hands on workshop-“Electronic product building /Embedded system and Robotics” by Antu Dominic chief technical officer,Truetek world,Angamaly on 3rd and 4th of June 2022. A holy mass and confession facility for catholic staff and students are arranged at 12:00 noon.
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The Department of Civil Engineering in association with IIIC is conducting a Technical talk on Recents trends and outlook in Civil Engineering for S4 and S6 CE students today at 11:00 a.m. A google form was forwarded from the college accounts section to arrange the bus service during August 2022 to July 2023. The last date to submit the form is 10th June.
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Fresenius Medical Care, one of the world’s leading providers of products and services for individuals with renal diseases is conducting the campus recruitment today for final year Biomedical, Biotechnology and Electrical & Electronics students for the post of “Engineers”. Best Wishes. The supplementary registration of B. Tech S4 (B.Tech S4 (S,FE) Exam June 2022(201Read More…
The final list of book schemes for II, IV, and VI th sem is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books in all the lists on or before 10th June 2022. The exam registration of B. Tech S8 Honours is opened in the portal under the exam definition B.Tech S8 (Hons.) Exam June 2022 (2015 Scheme) upto 31/05/20Read More…
Student project achievements 1. Title : Mirror Therapy based hand rehabilitation Guides : Dr. Finto Raphel, Jibin Jose & Dr. Varghese Thomas Students: Clinto Martin, Greeshma Saira, Greeshma K M, July Jaimy This project gained 1st prize in Techathon 2022 at FISAT, 2nd prize at Summer Startup Festival at GEC. 2. Title : Adaptive noise suppression device Guide: Dr. YuvaraRead More…
Adil Umer A H Biomedical department 2nd year secured second place in National Armwrestling championship held at Goa on 19th May.He also got selected to represent India in Asian championship at Malaysia.
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The IEEE student branch chairman for the year 2021 is Mr.Ridhun Varghese (S8 Civil Engineering). Under his leadership, Execom 2022 is formed. The AGM will be conducted on the 4th of June 2022. Following Three IEEE new societies will be inaugurated during this AGM. 1) IEEE Education Society2) IEEE Signal Processing Society3) IEEE Control System Society The Department ofRead More…
EEE Department is conducting a seminar on the topic “Lithium battery and its Applications” today at 10:00 am to 1:00 p.m. Resource person for the same is Maheshwaran LS ,Associate Vice President,Hykon India Limited. Placement selects: Two students: Melroy Denny and Basil Saju in their final year of Computer Science got selected by South Indian Bank as ” Probationary ORead More…
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