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Scholarship offered by Kerala Catholic Engineering College Management Association (KCECMA) is available for 2020 admission students. Students who got admission through Government merit and who are financially weak are eligible to apply. Students belonging to BPL category have to submit proof for their claim. Application forms are available in the college website.


Step 1 : Download the application form

Step 2 : Fill the form (soft copy only)

Step 3 : Export the filled form as pdf.

Step 4 : Scan the necessary documents listed below.

Step 5 : Mail the filled application form with the necessary documents to kcecma@sahrdaya.ac.in


Submit the filled-in application forms with copies of necessary documents on or before 30th June 2021 to mail id- kcecma@sahrdaya.ac.in and any queries regarding the scholarship can sent to the above mail.

Subject line of the email forwarding the application form shall be in the format, <Branch> <Name> <SR No> 



This scholarship will be continued for the subsequent academic years also, provided the student maintains consistency in performance and obtain minimum 60% marks in all the subjects in the University examination, without any back papers. The performance of the student will be reviewed every academic year(semester) before continuing the scholarship. You will not be eligible for this scholarship If you are receiving any government scholarship. Application forms submitted without necessary documents will be rejected.

Documents to be submitted along with the Application form                                                                                                                   

For BPL Category

  1. Certificate from the Village-officer that the family belongs to the BPL Category
  2.  Certificate showing Annual income of the parent dated not more than 6 months back

For non-BPL Category

  1. Certificate showing Annual income of the parent dated not more than 6 months back



