Board of Studies (BoS)

  • HOD as Chairperson, All faculty members, Academic experts, Representative from Industry, Alumni, Expert nominated by Vice Chancellor
  • Scheduled before the beginning of every semester
  • Syllabus/ Curriculum formulation and Revision, Addition of elective course
  • Approval of Curriculum, Syllabus, Assessment Methods, Skill Enhancement Courses, MOOC Courses etc.


Sl. No.NameDesignationRole
1Dr. V. VijikalaAssociate Professor and Head, Dept of EEE, SCETChairperson
2Dr. Latha P GAssociate Professor & Head, Department of EEE, School of Engineering CUSATAcademician
3Dr. Kumaravel SAssociate Professor, Department of EE, NIT CalicutAcademician
4Mr. Sajeev DevGM Technical Division, KEL, MamalaIndustry Expert
5Mr. John A RProduct Engineer, Entuple E mobility Pvt. Ltd.Alumni
6Mr. Reji JohnRtd. DGM, TELK, AngamalyExpert nominated by Vice Chansellor
7Mr. Sebin Davis KAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember
8Ms. Neethu JohnAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember
9Ms. Drisya K SasiAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember
10Mr. Adarsh S RAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember
11Ms. Maria Rose K JAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember
12Mr. Sreekanth SAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember
13Dr. Vishnu Gopan KAsst. Professor, Dept of EEE, SCETMember


August 2024