College Announcements


The list of the book scheme for the  III rd, , Vth and  VII th  semesters   is published on the library notice board. The students can collect the books from the library at the earliest. 

Continue Reading 13-08-2024

NRI Admissions 2024-2025

Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology invites expression of interest (EoI) for B. Tech Non-Resident Indian (NRI) category seats. Eligible candidates, sponsored by NRIs, are welcome to apply for these seats. To apply, candidates should access the official website at and proceed with the online submission of their Expression of Interest (EoI) for the desired B. Tech programmes. To schedule an appointment, kindly send a WhatsApp message to +91 9061115664.

Continue Reading NRI Admissions 2024-2025

<strong>Research Innovation Programme for Women startups (Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering)</strong>

Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology (SCET), Thrissur in association with Kerala Startup Mission has introduced the “Research Innovation Programme for Women startups” Scheme to promote and handhold bright women researchers across the state in the areas of Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. The Scheme is implemented through the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), the government’s nodal agency for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in the state. Under the scheme, eligible women startups can grab research grants upto Rs 5 lakh for each startups in the initial phase. The program primarily focuses on conversion of research outcomes with strong academic foundation into products or technology which in turn can create revolutionary impact on the overall economic development of the State and Country For more details visit Sahrdaya TBII Hub page

Continue Reading <strong>Research Innovation Programme for Women startups (Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering)</strong>

Alumni Meet for 2010,2011,2012 pass out students on 31st December 2022@10 am

Dear Alumnus, A happy memory is a hiding place for “unforgotten treasures”. Don’t count the years…count the memories. Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out. On 31st December 2022 @10am, Sahrdaya college of Engineering and Technology is organizing an ALUMNI MEET for the 2010, 2011, 2012 pass-out students. You are cordially invited with your family, back to your Alma mater to cherish all the joyful moments spent together. Anticipating a positive and enthusiastic response from you. With best wishes to you and your family members. NOTE: Please fill out the google form For any further details please contact Ms Priya K V: 8113980442 Ms Jasmy Davies: 9447307770 alumni_meetDownload

Continue Reading Alumni Meet for 2010,2011,2012 pass out students on 31st December 2022@10 am


The results of B.Tech (minor) S4 Exam July 2021 (2019 admn) are published.   Last date for submitting the Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 03-12- 2022(Saturday).  Students can submit the request and pay the fee through student login only. (Fee payment through the college office will not be available.) The results of B.Tech S1 (S,FE) S2 (S) Exam May 2022 (2015 Scheme) are published.   Last date for submitting the Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 03-12- 2022(Saturday).  Students can submit the request and pay the fee through student login only. (Fee payment through the college office will not be available.) Today we have a placement  drive by Speridian Technologies Pvt. Ltd. for the eligible students of EC,CS, EEE & M.Tech.

Continue Reading 01-12-2022


The final list of book schemes for the 1st semester  is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books in the first & final list on or before 8th Dec 2022.

Continue Reading 30-11-2022


BEATS is conducting an Industry Interaction for final year students of BT by Dr Rama Sivasubramanian, Novartis, today at 10:00 a.m.

Continue Reading 28-11-2022


As a pre-event to our Techfest Department of CSE is hosting a 24 hour Hackathon, TEK-O-THON (Think.Code.Innovate) which starts from 25/11/2022 @ 12:00PM to 26/11/2022 @ 12:00PM. The theme of the hackathon is Technology for Education, Waste management and Healthcare. This hackathon is co-sponsored by Jobin and Jismi, a software company run by our own Alumnus Jismi. ACES is organising a two day startup boot camp KICKSTART from today onwards for S5 CS students in association with IEDC. Resource persons are Mr. Vishnu Nagaraj & Ms. Aisha Davis , Founder CEO Carve Startup Labs.

Continue Reading 25-11-2022


S3 CAT 1 Toppers  AdmnNoName TotalBME321002ANUSHKA SUMESH96.39BTE421400ATHULYA BABU96.39CE621000GAYATHRI VARIYAMPAT HARIPRASAD90.56CSE A221503DERICK DAVIES96.11CSE B221728KRITHIKA KRISHNA85.56EEE521701ADITHYA KESAV79.72ECE121704ARYANANDHA V B90.56 Our college is hosting the APJAKTU E-Zone Football Tournament. Tournament dates : 26/11/2022 to 30/11/2022.   A road safety awareness class was arranged in our campus by the Thrissur District Chief during 2:30 pm to 4: 15 pm on 23/11/20222. Final year EC & EEE eligible students are attending placement by SMARTSOCS.

Continue Reading 24-11-2022


The first list of books under the book scheme for the 1st sem is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books from the Central library.

Continue Reading 23-11-2022



Continue Reading 22-11-2022


S7 CAT 1 Toppers  SRNoName TotalBME319018MEGNA DAISON86.25BTE419034SREEMA M89.59CE619006CATHERIN SUNNY94.58CSE A219006ANJU BIJU87.50CSE B219035JOFIJ JOY95.00EEE519701ASHWIN JAISON85.00ECE119012PARVATHY ANAND91.67 The course/exam registration for the following examinations are opened in the KTU portal.  Name of Examination: M.Tech S3 (R,S) Examination December 2022  Registration submission by students through student login and payment of fee at College office: On or before 21.11.2022, Monday.

Continue Reading 21-11-2022


In Connection with the National Library week, Central Library and NDLI   is organising competitions today at 1.30 PM at the Central Library. As part of MoU signed with Zaara Biotech, BEATS Association Department of Biotechnology, SCET alongwith BRSI is conducting an Exhibition on the products developed by our students in connection with the training conducted by Zaara Biotech Ltd on 18/11/2022, Friday, BB Seminar Hall 3.  Our students participated in the APJ AKTU E-Zone Basketball tournament and secured the runner up position.  Students are AFRAS SHANAVAS, ADITH MENON, DON PAULSON, JITHU AVIRA RAJU, JOEL JAISON, JERIN ALAPPAT DAVIS, JOE VARGHESE ,GODWIN JOSE , ORVILLE GEORGE, SAVIO SAMSON, ROHIN THOMAS KURIAN & ANOOP AJI IDUCULA. Congratulations  B.Tech S5 Minor December 2021 Examination (2019 admission) scheduled to be conducted on 19.11.2022, Saturday stands postponed and the revised date is 03.12.2022, Saturday (9.30am-12.30pm) Registration to B.Tech S3 (S,FE) Exam Dec 2022 (2015 scheme) is open. Students are directed to register and pay the fee up to 23-11-2022,Wednesday. Name of Examination in portal: B.Tech S3 (S,FE) Exam Dec 2022 (2015 scheme) BEATS Association, Department of Biotechnology SCET and BRSI is conducting a Two day workshop on Python Programming for S5BT students, PG and PhD Scholars on 16/11/2022…

Continue Reading 18-11-2022


Jobin & Jismi,Campus Recruitment for final year EC & CS students.Best Wishes. PTWA Meeting is scheduled as follows:- YearDateTime4th year 18/11/202210.00 am – 12.30 pm 3rd year  21/11/202210.00 am – 12.30 pm   2nd year     22/11/202210.00 am – 12.30 pm

Continue Reading 17-11-2022


ACES is celebrating it’s association day today from 1:30 pm to 4.20 pm.  Mr. Paul Akkara, Senior Associate, Cognizant and Mr. Suresh K, Rtd. Senior Technical Director, NIC are the Chief Guests of the day.  Faculty Achievemts 1. In the area of Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering, we got a research fund  support from Kerala Start up Mission i.e 25 Lakhs for the Research Innovation Program for women start ups. Dr. Leon Ittiachen (BT) and Dr. Remya George (BME) are the Principal Investigators and Mr. Jibin JOse (BME) id ths project coordinator.2. Three ideas from our college got the funding in KSUM – IEDC – Idea Fest. In the faculty category Dr. Dhanya Gangadharan got the funding and under the student’s category Dr. Arun Thomas and Mr. Saran (ECE) received the funding.

Continue Reading 16-11-2022


Medtronics campus recruitment for final year Biomedical students is conducted today. Best wishes. The link applying for the book scheme for  Ist sem is available on the college website. The students can apply for both semester issue ( 25%)  and Discount issue ( 85%)  on or before 14th Nov  2022.

Continue Reading 10-11-2022


It is notified to the attention of those concerned that the B.Tech S5 Minor December 2021 examination (2019 admission) is scheduled to be conducted on 19.11.2022, Saturday (9.30 am to 12.30 pm).

Continue Reading 09-11-2022


Richin Rosh of S7 ECE won first prize in a quiz competition on Vega Processors conducted at CDAC, Tvm. Richin Rosh of S7 ECE won first prize in a quiz competition on Vega Processors conducted at CDAC, Tvm.

Continue Reading 04-11-2022


Two project teams participated in the KSCSTE TECHFEST 2022 and received the Silver Award, Cash prize of Rs. 20000 and Certificate of merit. Details are as follows:- Project title : MedicollarGuide : Ms. Arathy M , Asst. Professor, BMEStudents : Ashwin Asokan, Biya Rose Babu, Edwin Shaju, Annop K M Project title : EcobotGuide : Dr. Arun Thomas , Asso. Professor, ECEStudents : Joseph K A, Joshua Sony, Lakshmi RAjkumar, Syam Krishna Last date for applying the scholarship are as follows: MCM – 15/11/2022Central Sector Scholarship- 30/11/2022

Continue Reading 03-11-2022


17 students of the 2019-2023 batch got placed by Poornam  Infovision Pvt. Ltd. CSE1. Sayanth Manoj2. Amal Paul3. Joyael Jose4. Vivek K Vinod5. Neha Davis6. Irine Babu7. Anamika Raj8. Gayathri T L9. Anandha Krishnan B10. Neenu Jaison11. Tiya Bobby12. Rose Grace Johnson13. Archana Sivadasan14. Devika M SECE1. Jomol Joseph2. Ann Mariya Johny3. Harikrishnan KCongratulations CAT 1 for S3, S5 & S7 starts today.

Continue Reading 02-11-2022


Tomorrow, All Souls Day college will be working one hour late.  Today , we had the closing ceremony of “Lahari Vimuktha Keralam” a venture by our University and Govt of Kerala by joining hands to form a Human Chain in front of the main block.

Continue Reading 01-11-2022


Academic year inauguration of 21st B.Tech batch (SAMEEKSHAM 2022) is scheduled today at 10.00 a.m in the Multipurpose Indoor stadium.  Department of EEE is conducting alumni interaction for S3 EEE students from 11 a.m to 12 p.m.Session will be handled by Neha Krishnakumar,Systems Engineer,TCS S3 University toppers.  BM – NICE GEORGE M – 9.45 BT- VIVINA PUTHUR – 9.14 CE – SNEHA MARIYA – 9 CS – VIVEK BABU AKKARA -9.27 EC – ABHISHEK S MENON – 8.23 EEE- SHINE SHAJI 7.86

Continue Reading 31-10-2022


NDLI Club of Sahrdaya in association with Anti Narcotics cell is conducting an essay writing competition today (27/10/2022)at 3:15 p.m. Venue: Decennial Block A project team from S5 BME under the guidance of Dr. Remya George participated in a National Level Technical Symposium – Techfinix 22 on 20th & 21st October 2022 held at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal and won first prize in the Project Expo. Student are Vishnu Viswakumar, Rose Mary Shofy, Abhishek V S & Fathima Wafa. 

Continue Reading 27-10-2022


Today we have the 16th convocation ceremony of the 2017-21 batch of B.Tech students and 2019-21 batch of M.Tech students from 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Dr. Saji Gopinath, VC , Digital University Kerala will deliver the convocation address. It is hereby notified that Answer book copy / revaluation of B.Tech S3 (R,S) Exam Dec 2021 (2019 scheme) is now open in the KTU e governance portal. Last Date for submitting Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 04-11-2022 (Friday). 

Continue Reading 25-10-2022


As part of quality improvement initiatives from IQAC, faculty members nominated from various departments are attending a 1 Day FDP  Organized by Dept. CSE on LaTeX today. 

Continue Reading 22-10-2022


The Department of Civil Engineering, Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kodakara is organizing a three day workshop on Sketchup and VRay for S5 and S7 CE Students in association with PACE and IEI Student Chapter from 20th Oct, 2022 to 22nd Oct, 2022. Department of EEE in association with Hardware club and Centre for IOT and Robotics Research (CIRR) has planned to conduct 2 days Hands on Workshop on Eyantra Robot “Firebird V”  for S5EEE students from 20/10/2022(Thursday ) -21/10/2022(Friday).Resource  person is Mr.Saran KB,Assistant Professor ,Department of ECE,SCET Kodakara. The Placement results of the 2019-2023 batch  1) Joseph Antony from Computer Science is selected by Experion Technologies.2)  6 students from Computer Science are selected by Interland Technologies. The students are: Joe AlbertHarikrishna M RAkhil JoyRobinson JosephMijohn T JJoel BijuCongratulations to all selected students.

Continue Reading 20-10-2022


Today we have Poornam recruitment at Sahrdaya for EC & CS students. Best Wishes Department of Electronics and communication Engineering is conducting an industry interaction on the topic Business intelligence and data analytics by Ms. Anagha Valsakumar ,application development senior analyst,Accenture Bangalore today at 11.30 am to 12.30 pm. An Anti-Ragging awareness program is arranged for S5 students today (18/10/2022) by the Anti-ragging Committee of the College at 9.00 AM in the Multipurpose Indoor Stadium. The Circle Inspector of Police, Kodakara police station will be addressing the students.

Continue Reading 18-10-2022


CAT1 examination for S3,S5,S7 starts on 02/11/2022. It is hereby notified that Answer book copy / revaluation of B.Tech S1 (R,S) Exam Dec 2021 (2019 scheme) is now open in the KTU e governance portal. Last Date for submitting Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 25-10-2022 (Tuesday).  Students can submit the request and pay the fee through student login only.  (Fee payment through the college office will not be available.)  An Anti-Ragging awareness program is arranged for S3 students today (17/10/2022) by the Anti-ragging Committee of the College at 11.55 AM in the Multipurpose Indoor Stadium. The Circle Inspector of Police, Kodakara police station will be addressing the students

Continue Reading 17-10-2022


The Internal Complaints Cell (Women’s Cell) of our college is conducting their first program of the year 2022-2023 towards Women empowerment and health .This program is arranged for the girl students of  S3 BT, S5BT, S3 BM and S5 EC today during 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm Today, the Placement Cell has arranged for a scholarship test by TIME Institute. The test will be from 2.20 pm to 03.15 pm for all third-year students. Our Executive Director released the college newsletter Techno Beads (Book 19)

Continue Reading 15-10-2022


Today we have campus recruitment by Interland Technology and Services for final-year Computer Science students. The recruitment will start at 10.00 am. Best Wishes. Sivaram Narayan of S7 CS received the Best Student Merit Award from Architects & Engineers Association as a part of Engineer’s day celebration on 15th September.  EEE Department has planned to conduct a two days Hands on Training session on PCB Design for S3 EEE students from 14/10/2022 to 15/10/2022.Resource person is Mr.Midhun C, Electronics CAD Engineer,Alpha design.

Continue Reading 14-10-2022


The first list of books under the book scheme for  V th sem is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books from the library at the earliest. ECE Department is conducting a 3 day workshop on Python programming for S3 students by star innovations,Thrissur from 13th to 15th October 2022.

Continue Reading 13-10-2022


IEEE has brought together people from different parts of the world under one roof… and we are one of them… _Inviting all the IEEE members & Faculties to the IEEE Day celebrations  Date : 11 October 2022 Time : 3.15 p.m Venue : Multipurpose Auditorium

Continue Reading 11-10-2022


16 students of the 2019-2023 batch got placed by IBS. 13 students from CSE and 3 students from ECE.  The students are:  Sivaram NarayanAswin Tharayil SanthoshAmal YousafViswanathan P SGokul.T.GopinathElwin JoseAlan JoseAswin AyyappadasHenvin JoyJofij JoyAnitta Joju ERose BaijuAnju BijuSiril C AntonyAswathy AshokParvathy AnandCongratulations to all the selected students

Continue Reading 10-10-2022


The Department of Civil Engineering has arranged a 4 day workshop on AutoCAD for the S3 students on 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th October, 2022.

Continue Reading 07-10-2022


B.Tech (Hons) S4 Exam July 2021 (2019 admn.) are published. Last Date for submitting Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 18-10-2022 (Tuesday).  Students can submit the request and pay the fee through student login only. (Fee payment through the college office will not be available.)

Continue Reading 06-10-2022


The NSS 589 Unit of KTU NSS cell of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology is conducting a NSS PRE-SPECIAL CAMP E-ASSIST from 2nd to 5th October 2022 in Panchayat L P school koratty . Today, we had the inauguration of the statewide Anti-Narcotic campaign by our Executive Director. Principal, Dr. Nixon Kuruvila led the pledge against narcotics.

Continue Reading 01-10-2022


The NSS unit number 589 of KTU NSS cell of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology in association with IMA Thrissur Blood Bank and Lions Club of Kodakara accompanied by RUDHIRASENA TCR – PKD REGION is conducting a BLOOD DONATION CAMP on 1st October 2022 from 9 am to 12:30 pm at Kodakara, Thrissur . S1 University Toppers BM – ANUSHKA SUMESH – 9.76 BT – ATHULYA BABU – 9.65 CE – HRIDHYA SAJEEV – 8.41 CS – KRITHIKA KRISHNA – 10 EC – GEONA VARGHESE – 9.35 EE – ANTONY P JAMES – 9.41 Congratulations

Continue Reading 30-09-2022


World Heart’s Day EBSA is conducting a Medical Exhibition at the Main Lobby from 3.45 to 4.30 P.M today. EEE Department in association with IEEE control system society is conducting a webinar on the topic “Electric Vehicles” today at 6:00 p.m. in Google meet. The session  will be handled by Dr.Nithin S,Research fellow,WMG University of Warwick,UK. The first list of books under the book scheme for III & VII th sem is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books from the library at the earliest. GATE 2023 online registration closing date is 30th September 2022. All the final year and pre-final year students can log in to  for more details. S5 University Toppers BM – ALEENA BIJU ARICATT – 9.35 BT – SREEMA M – 9.48 CE- GOPIKA PA – 9.57 CS – ROSE – 9.17 EC – ANN MARIYA JOHNY- 9.09 EE – DILEESH ARUMATHA – 8.07 Placement results of the 2019-2023 batch of BM & BT students.  8 students got placed by Zifo R&D Solutions. The students are:  1) Harisankar Sreekanth BTech Biomedical Engineering2) Aleena Biju Aricatt BTech Biomedical Engineering3) Aghna Nm BTech Biomedical Engineering4) Anoop Aji Iducula BTech Biomedical Engineering5) Emil Jom BTech Biomedical…

Continue Reading 29-09-2022


Students can apply for the revaluation and answer script copy for the following exams before 03/10/2022. Students are directed to complete the fee payment from your login itself. Payment through college login is not possible. 1. B.Tech S5 (R) Exam Dec 2021 (2019 Scheme)  2. B.Tech S5 (Hons) Exam Dec 2021 (2019 Adm.)  

Continue Reading 28-09-2022


Today we have campus Recruitment by Qburst for the 2019-2023 batch batch students.Best wishes. The link for applying the book scheme for  Vth sem is available on the college website. The students can apply for both semester issue and Discount issue on or before 30th Sept 2022. —–    

Continue Reading 27-09-2022


AESON,Association of EEE is conducting a one week hands on training session on Autocad for S7 EEE students from 26/09/2022(Monday) to 01/10/2022(Saturday),9:00 a.m-4:20 p.m.The session will be handled by Mr.Vineeth Narayanan,CAAD Center Kodungallur.

Continue Reading 26-09-2022


13 students of the 2019-2023 batch got placed by Cognizant. The students are:  Electronics & Communication Aswathy Ashok Parvathy AnandLeo M Francis Computer Science Brighty Benny Priyanka PaulFawzan Vakkeparambil ShajahanHarisankar K SSIVARAM NARAYANAlan JoseKARTHIK TSGokul T GopinathAnju BijuSreeragh T AjithkumarCongratulations to all the selected students

Continue Reading 22-09-2022


 A project group from BME has won 2nd runner’s title in an IEEE project competition YESIST-12 organised at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Bangalore. The student members are – Savio Samson, Sharo William, Sree Lakshmi and Sneha Sunil. Project Guide is Dr. Finto Raphel, HOD BME. Our college is signing an MoU with a company Part Matters Pvt Ltd. The link for applying to the book scheme for III and VIIth sem is available  on the college website. Students can apply for both semester issue  and discount schemes on or before 23rd Sept  2022.   Also,  All the III sem and VIIth sem students are  reminded to return the books taken under the book scheme during the previous semesters  on or before 20th Sept.

Continue Reading 20-09-2022


Today we have the academic year inauguration, declaration of NBA Accreditation status and the inauguration of the dance and music club. 

Continue Reading 19-09-2022


It is hereby informed that exam registration to B.Tech S4 (Hon.) Exam June 2022 (2019 scheme) is open. Students are directed to register and pay the fee on or before 17-09- 2022, Saturday.   

Continue Reading 16-09-2022


In honour of Engineer’s Day, the Computer Science and Engineering association ACES in connection with IEDC Coders  club is conducting an event EXTEMPORE today from 2pm to 3pm.

Continue Reading 15-09-2022


The following exam registrations are open in the KTU login and you are requested to complete the registration along with the fee payment before 30/08/2022. 1. B.Tech S6 (Hon.) Exam June 2022 (2019 admn.) 2. B.Tech S6 (Minor) Exam June 2022 (2019 admn.)

Continue Reading 26-08-2022


In honour of World Entrepreneur’s Day-21st August, IEDC KMEA brings to you a poster making competition to unleash your creativity Open for students and staffs Register now: Submit your entries before 23rd August

Continue Reading 22-08-2022


The NSS unit number 589 of KTU NSS cell of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology on the occasion of 75th Indian Independence day is conducting a Flag hoisting ceremony on 15/08/2022 from 8:00am at college 

Continue Reading 15-08-2022


Classes for S2, S6 & S4 terminates on 29/07/2022, 02/08/2022 & 06/08/2022 respectively and end semester exams start on  09/08/2022 for S2  12/08/2022 for S6   19/08/2022 for S4

Continue Reading 23-07-2022


Today , we have the Graduation day, Send off & Placement day celebrations of 2018-22 batch of B.Tech and 2020-22 batch of M.Tech. HE Bishop Mar Pauly Kannookadan will preside over the function, Mr. Sunil Kumar V, Founder & MD, Assets Homes will deliver the inaugural address, Mr. Binu Sankar, Asso. Director, EY- GDS will deliver the placement day address. Also, we have the College Day celebrations.  HE Bishop Mar Pauly Kannookadan will preside over the function

Continue Reading 08-07-2022


AESON , Association of EEE  is conducting a one day training on MATLAB for S6 students today. The CAT- 2 (Continuous Assessment Test) for S2 & S6 students will commence from 11/07/2022. 

Continue Reading 07-07-2022


Today Squad Technologies is conducting campus recruitment for 2022 passout Computer Science students.  Best Wishes  We are happy to inform you that the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center (IEDC) of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology in collaboration with Kerala Startup Mission’s Research Innovation Network Kerala (KSUM- RINK) is showcasing the proof of concepts of various technologies developed at our institute with an event named Sahrdaya SCI-FEST as an exhibition. The event is scheduled on 6th of July, 2022 at Multipurpose Indoor Stadium at our institute and a total of 50 innovations at the level of POC will be exhibited at the event. The event aims to connect with stakeholders, startups  and collaborators to initiate the culture of research translation.  

Continue Reading 05-07-2022


The NSS unit number 589 of KTU NSS cell of Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology in association with IMA Thrissur Blood Bank accompanied by RUDHIRASENA TCR – PKD REGION is conducting a BLOOD DONATION CAMP today from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00.p.m. at indoor stadium

Continue Reading 29-06-2022


“All About Nothing”,  Podcast team of Sahrdaya conducts a 1 day Workshop “Toss & Talk” for all the Podcast crew members today from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at EC Seminar Hall. Elwin Jose of S6 CSA, NSS 2020 – 22 Batch have received a State Level, NSS Volunteer Secretary Camp Certificate 2022 and a Meritorious Certificate for his Services as a STATE LEVEL NSS Volunteer Co-ordinator 2021. Congratulations Toppers in CAT  1 examination of 4th semester BranchFirstAdmnNoName TotalBME320016NICE GEORGE M96.67BTE420016M MANEESHA MANIKANDAN95.28CE620001ALBIN RAPHEL87.50CSE A220031VIVEK BABU AKKARA93.06CSE B220904HRISHIKA K H85.28EEE520709SHINE SHAJI82.22ECE120006RINU RAPHY80.00

Continue Reading 27-06-2022


Google IO Extended is here on our campus today in the multimedia conference hall.  Google I/O Extended Thrissur connects students, faculty members and developers from around the world for thoughtful discussions, hands-on learning with Google experts, and a first look at Google’s latest developer products. This time our event theme is android development using kotlin. Today, we are conducting the IDET Model Kerala Engineering Entrance Exam.

Continue Reading 25-06-2022


Today there will be a holy mass in the college chapel at 12 noon for the Catholics. All Catholics are requested to attend the same. Lunch break for all the students will be from 1:00 to 1.45 pm. Classes resumes at 1:45 pm

Continue Reading 24-06-2022


S2 University toppers of 2020 batch.  BM –  NICE GEORGE M –  9.93 BT –  VIVINA PUTHUR –  9.81 CE –  SNEHA MARIYA – 9.45 CS –  VIVEK BABU AKKARA – 10 EC –  TINU TITUS – 9.64 EE –  MARIA THOMAS – 6.71 Toppers in CAT  1 examination of 2nd semester BranchFirstAdmnNoName TotalBME321002ANUSHKA SUMESH99.0BTE421034NAVYA MARIA SABU97.0CE621000GAYATHRI VARIYAMPAT HARIPRASAD81.3CSE A221012ANGELA MARIYA SUNNY98.0CSE B221902JANET JOHNSON85.0EEE521701ADITHYA KESAV83.0ECE121500GEONA VARGHESE93.0 Congratulations.

Continue Reading 23-06-2022


The course/ exam registration of B.Tech S6 (R) Exam june 2022 (2019 Scheme) is opened in the portal upto 25/06/2022 for students.  Please complete the registration and fee payment before the last date.

Continue Reading 22-06-2022


B.Tech CSE 3rd Year Students won the project awards details are as mentioned below:- Project Title: AIVA CONTROLLER(AI, IOT, VR, AR) Project Members:Mr. Gokul T GooinathMr. Hari krishnan M RMr. Aswin ayyappadasMr. Benson Davis Guided By: Dr. R. SatheeshkumarAssociate Professor and Head,Department of CSE, SCET, Thrissur, Kerala. Prizes Won 1. First Runner-Up* with a cash prize sum of *₹ 30,000/-CUBETHON 2022-23- @ Ginger hotel kalamassery by Cubet Techno Labs 2. First Runner-Up with a cash prize sum of ₹ 20,000/-PINEOTHON @ Recca club kakannad by calpine groups Pvt limited  Toppers in CAT  1 examination of 6th semester BranchFirst AdmnNoName TotalBME319004ALEENA BIJU ARICATT94.00BTE419028LINDA JOE FRANCIS89.33CE619006CATHERIN SUNNY91.00CSE A219006ANJU BIJU89.67CSE B219063SIVARAM NARAYAN84.00EEE519003DILEESH ARUMATHA DEVADAS69.67ECE119010MARIYA SHAJU97.00

Continue Reading 21-06-2022


AESON ,Association of EEE is conducting a workshop on Introduction to PCB Design for S4 EEE students today.The workshop will be conducted by Midhun C,Electronics CAD Engineer,Design Alpha.

Continue Reading 18-06-2022


A session on ” Road Safety Awareness” is arranged for the 2019-2023 batch of students today from 01.45 pm to 02.45 pm in the Auditorium. The session is handled by the Motor Vehicles Inspector  ” . B. Tech S4 Honours Degree registration of 2020 batch students starts today and the last date is 20/06/2022. 

Continue Reading 17-06-2022


The course/ exam registration of following exams are opened in the portal upto 20/06/2022 for students. Kindly complete the registration and fee payment on or before the due date. B.Tech S2 (R,S) Exam June 2022 (2019 scheme) B.Tech S4 (R,S) Exam June 2022 (2019 scheme)

Continue Reading 16-06-2022


PTWA meeting is scheduled as follows:- 16/06/2022  – PTWA Meeting of S2 (First Years)  17/06/2022  – PTWA Meeting of S6 (Third Years)  24/06/2022  – PTWA Meeting of S4 (Second Years)  Time: 9.30 am Venue: Auditorium B.Tech S7 (S) Exam June 2022 Exam registration has been opened in the E-gov portal up to 18/06/2022 for students. B.Tech S8 regular exams starts today. Best wishes.

Continue Reading 15-06-2022


Department of Biotechnology and Internal Compliance Cell jointly organised Cancer Awareness Talk on the topic Catching up the culprit early: Prevention and Detection of Cancer by Dr. Asha Nair, Scientist, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Trivandrum today at 12 pm in the Multipurpose Indoor Stadium. The following Exam registration is opened in the e-gov portal upto 12.06.2022 for students  M.Tech S2 (R,S) Exam June 2022M.Tech S4 (R,S) Exam June 2022 We signed an MoU with C-DAC yesterday, also a  hands-on session was organised on the topic “India’s Indigenous Microcontroller Board VEGA Processors   and Ecosystem ” 

Continue Reading 10-06-2022


APJ AKTU has published the revised time table for the B.Tech S8 Regular and Supplementary (2015 scheme) June 2022 Examinations.  The Central Library in connection with  the World book day 2022 conducted competitions. The winners are  Quiz Competition First PrizeJestin Jimmy , VIII BTSecond PrizeNethin Lazer, VI BMTreasure HuntFirst PrizeAlen Joseph James, VI CS &Aston Raju, VI CSSecond PrizeNandagopal, VI BT &Jasmine Titus , VI BT 

Continue Reading 09-06-2022


Yesterday, we had a campus recruitment by a civil company –  Mazameer Design & Engineering Studio for final year civil students.  S4 CAT exams start today.

Continue Reading 04-06-2022


The department of Biomedical Engineering is conducting a 2 day Interactive seminar cum Hands on workshop-“Electronic product building /Embedded system and Robotics” by Antu Dominic chief technical officer,Truetek world,Angamaly on 3rd and 4th of June 2022. A holy mass and confession facility for catholic  staff and students are arranged  at 12:00 noon.

Continue Reading 03-06-2022


The Department of Civil Engineering in association with IIIC is conducting a Technical talk on Recents trends and outlook in Civil Engineering for S4 and S6 CE students today at 11:00 a.m. A google form was forwarded from the college accounts section to arrange the bus service during August 2022 to July 2023. The last date to submit the form is 10th June.  

Continue Reading 02-06-2022


Fresenius Medical Care, one of the world’s leading providers of products and services for individuals with renal diseases is conducting the campus recruitment today for final year Biomedical, Biotechnology and Electrical & Electronics students for the post of “Engineers”. Best Wishes. The supplementary registration of B. Tech S4 (B.Tech S4 (S,FE) Exam June 2022(2015 scheme) is opened in the portal upto 03/06/2022 for students.

Continue Reading 01-06-2022


The final list  of  book schemes for II, IV, and VI th sem is published in the library  notice board. Students are requested to collect the books in all the lists on or before 10th June 2022. The exam registration of B. Tech S8 Honours is opened in the portal under the exam definition B.Tech S8 (Hons.) Exam June 2022 (2015 Scheme) upto 31/05/2022 for students.

Continue Reading 31-05-2022


Student project achievements 1. Title : Mirror Therapy based hand rehabilitation Guides : Dr. Finto Raphel, Jibin Jose & Dr. Varghese Thomas Students: Clinto Martin, Greeshma Saira, Greeshma K M, July Jaimy This project gained 1st prize in Techathon 2022 at FISAT, 2nd prize at Summer Startup Festival at GEC. 2. Title : Adaptive noise suppression device Guide: Dr. Yuvaraj V Students: Angel Rose, Amarnath, Alfin Joseph, Minsha Z This project gained 1st prize in Summer Startup Festival at GEC, 2nd prize in Techathon 2022 at FISAT , 3rd prize in Srishti 2022 at Jyothi Engineering College with a cash prize of Rs.11500 3. Title : Autosteth Guide: Dr. Remya George, Dr. Finto Raphel Students: Sourav Vinayakumar, Maria Mathan, Jifin Joseph, Greeshma Varghese This project gained 2nd  prize in Techathon 2022 at FISAT Swetha Manoj of S8 BM won first position and Nimitha Narayan of S4 CSE won 2nd position for the Best Campus Ambassador Award in All Kerala Industrial Application Society Conclave organised by IEEE at RIT Kottayam. GOLAZO 2022 5’s Football Tournament was organised in our college during 24th to 26th May, 2022. First year EC students won runner up position and Third year BM students won the tournament. Tomorrow there are no classes…

Continue Reading 27-05-2022


Adil Umer A H Biomedical department 2nd year secured second place in National Armwrestling championship held at Goa on 19th May.He also got selected to represent India in Asian championship at Malaysia.

Continue Reading 26-05-2022


The IEEE student branch chairman for the year 2021 is Mr.Ridhun Varghese (S8 Civil Engineering). Under his leadership, Execom 2022 is formed. The AGM will be conducted on the 4th of June 2022.  Following Three IEEE new societies will be inaugurated during this AGM. 1) IEEE Education Society2) IEEE Signal Processing Society3) IEEE Control System Society  The Department of Civil Engineering is conducting a 3 day workshop on Revit Architecture software for S6 CE students from 25.05.2022 to 27.05.2022. 

Continue Reading 25-05-2022


EEE Department is conducting a seminar on the topic “Lithium battery and its Applications”  today at 10:00 am to 1:00  p.m. Resource person for the same is Maheshwaran LS ,Associate Vice President,Hykon India Limited. Placement selects:  Two students: Melroy Denny and Basil Saju in their final year of Computer Science got selected by South Indian Bank as ” Probationary Officers”. The Package offered is 10 Lakhs per Annum. Congratulations.Sreelakshmi K S in her Final year of Computer Science got selected by Tata Elxsi and Capgemini for the post of  ” Engineer”. CongratulationsManu Karthik in his Final year of Computer Science got selected by Wipro for the post of  ” Project Engineer”. CongratulationsSejoyner Joy in his Final year of Computer Science got selected by Techneurons for the post of ” Software Developer”. CongratulationsToday we have Srishty Builders conducting a placement drive for final year Civil Engineering students. Best Wishes.Final year students attended Federal Bank recruitment for the post of Clerical Cadre.  The department of CSE is conducting a Workshop titled “Data Mining Techniques and Tools” for the Final Year- B.Tech CSE Students today. Resource PersonMs. Uma E S Ms. Megha K K S4 University Toppers are as follows :- BM – DEEPIKA A  – SGPA 10…

Continue Reading 24-05-2022


B.Tech S7 (R,S) Exam Dec 2021 (2015 Scheme) is published. Students can apply for revaluation and answer script copy upto 27/05/2022. Fees can be paid (online) directly to the University or through the college before 27/05/2022. While paying the fee directly to University please confirm whether your payment procedure is completed and payment is successful.

Continue Reading 23-05-2022


CAT 1 for S2 & S6 students is scheduled to begin on 30/05/2022. Anti Narcotic, Anti Alcoholic & Anti Tobacco cell in association with Nerkuttam and Sradha is conducting an awareness talk on Consequences of Alcoholism and Narcotism today at 2.30 pm. Resource person is Sri. Rajendran P V, Civil Excise Officer, Excise Range Office, Irinjalakuda. The department of CSE is conducting a Workshop titled “Art of Writing & Publishing Research Papers” for the Third Year- B.Tech CSE Students on 18/05/2022 & 19/05/2022. Resource PersonS6 CSA-Ms. Anly AntonyS6 CSB-Dr. Krishnadas J

Continue Reading 18-05-2022


Department of Computer Science & Engineering is organising a Workshop titled “LATEX-A Technical Paper Writing tool” for the S6 CSE Students on 17/05/2022 & 18/05/2022. Resource PersonS6CSA-Mr. Shyam KrishnaS6CSB-Ms. Divya R B.Tech S6 (S,FE) Exam May 2022 (2015 Scheme) (Supplementary and FE registration) examination is open to students upto 18/05/2022.  

Continue Reading 17-05-2022


The following exam registrations are open in the KTU portal 1. B.Tech S1 (S,FE) S2 (S) EXAM MAY 2022 (2015 SCHEME) is opened in the portal upto 17/05/20222. B.Tech S2 (FE) EXAM MAY 2022 (2015 SCHEME) is opened in the portal upto 17/05/20223. B.Tech S8 EXAM JUNE 2022 (2015 SCHEME)  is opened in the portal upto 20/05/2022 KEAM 2022 Crash course starts today.

Continue Reading 16-05-2022


Students can apply for Revaluation and answer script copy of B.Tech S3 (Minor) Exam Dec 2020 answer scripts up to 21-05-2022, Saturday A project team from S8 BME got first prize in the National Project Competition organised by The National Institute of Engineering , Mysore and Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers. Title : ‘Mirror Therapy Based Hand Rehabilitation’ jointly guided by Dr. Finto Raphel, Mr. Jibin Jose and Dr. Verghese Thomas. The student group members are Clinto Martin , Greeshma Saira Eapen, Greeshma K M & Jumy Jaimy. In connection with National Technology Day, BEATS Association Department of Biotechnology had conducted an Inter Departmental Visual Technical Quiz on May 11th, 2022. The winners for the same are as follows: First Prize: Civil Department: Members are Arundhathi. P. Unnikrishnan, Asmiya. M. N, Catherine Sunny and Jaise. S. Arakkal. Second Prize: EEE Department: Members are Ashwin Jaison, Albert Roy, Lenin Lawrance and Rosh John Today’s Literary events are 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm   : Painting Oil colour- DB-Room No.302 10 am – 12 noon         : Debate Malayalam-BB Seminar Hall 1 1 pm – 3 pm                : Debate English-BB Seminar Hall 1 12.30 pm -3.30 pm     : clay modeling  – mechanical workshop

Continue Reading 13-05-2022


One of the project teams from S8 BM won Runner up title in the MAT LAB projects category. Project Title : Video based diagnosis of sleep apnea Project Guide : Ms.Sony N.S Team Members : Annu Mariya,Gisna K.S, Sandra Benny & Mohammed Sahir. Our college is signing an MOU with Jobin & Jismi today. Today’s Literary events are 10 am – 12 noon         : Extempore English – BB Seminar Hall 11 am – 12 noon          : Essay Writing Malayalam – DB-Room No.302 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm   : Cartoon- DB-Room No.318 2 pm – 3 pm                : Essay writing English – MB-Room No.102

Continue Reading 12-05-2022


One of our project teams from S8 CSE has won 2 prizes last week.The project was on “Gaming Bike” guided by Dr.Satheesh Kumar,HOD CSE.The team members are Melroy Denny,Sreerag T,Paul K Joy & Sooraj Nandan.The project won 1st Prize in Srishti 2022,a National Level competition held at Saintgits college,Kottayam.Also won 2nd prize in a Tech fest conducted at Jyothi Engineering college Thrissur.Attracted a cash prize of Rs 2000. Toppers of S8 CAT 1 are as follows DepartmentFirst AdmnNoName TotalE C 118716NICEMOL JOHNS95.8C S – A BATCH218013CHRISTO JOHN97.9C S – BBATCH218049SHONE ANTONY92.5Biomedical318030RITHIKA RAJITH94.2Biotechnology418910ANJITHA A JAYESH92.5418906VARSHA V92.5Electricals &Electronics518300NAVYA MOHAN88.8Civil618000ABA MARY90.8

Continue Reading 11-05-2022


Today’s literary events are 10 am – 11 am            : Versification Malayalam – MB-Room No.102  1 pm – 2 pm                : Versification English – MB-Room No.102 

Continue Reading 10-05-2022


Literary arts 2022 is scheduled to begin from tomorrow onwards Today’s literary events are 10 am – 11 am            : Versification Malayalam – MB-Room No.102  1 pm – 2 pm                : Versification English – MB-Room No.102  12.30 pm – 3.30 pm   : Pencil Drawing – DB-Room No.302  1.00 pm – 3.00 pm     : Product marketing – BB Seminar Hall 1

Continue Reading 09-05-2022


EEE Department is conducting an alumni interaction programme for S2 EEE students today from 10:00 a.m – 11:00 a.m.The session will be handled by Elsa PJ Senior HW Engineer ,VVDN Technologies. IEDC Sahrdaya has Come with Evening_Cafe for the next 5 Week starting from Next Monday, 9th of May.

Continue Reading 07-05-2022