
Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC)
GDSC Sahrdaya is a student-driven community powered by Google that helps students at Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology build their technical and non-technical skills in Google technologies. The vision of this program is to bridge the gap between theory and practice.   GDSC Sahrdaya organizes workshops, events, and hackathons to provide students with opportunities to learn about Google technologies and apply their skills to develop solutions for local organizations. The program also provides visibility for student projects through showcases.   To Join GDSC Sahrdaya : Click Me  

IEDC Clubs

Various clubs are in the institute for the purpose of developing skill, curiosity, technical confidence, maker culture, self-learning, updating knowledge about future technologies and peer skill sharing among the students. All the clubs are funded and coordinated from Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center (IEDC). Each club works under a faculty member as advisor and a Student Club Lead.

  • Hardware Club

A club focused to introduce maker skills, electronic skills and peer skill sharing among the students. Club used to conduct various workshops, hackathons, boot camps, campus projects and installations. The club is closely associated with the activities at the Center for IoT and Robotics Research.

Robotic Mega structure Installation and Welcoming robot with smart mirror by Hardware Club is given in Fig: 1

Fig: 1: Hardware Club Activities

  • Coders Club

“Coding for Everyone” is the motto of the coders club. Under the initiative of coders club a number of Hackathons and workshops are conducted.

Coders club members with Hackathon Award is shown in Fig: 2

Fig 2: IBS Hackathon Award

  • Creative Club

A club focused on activities to encourage the creative mindset of students. The club created number of art/technical installations at the campus and encouraged peer skill sharing.

Creative Club photos are shown as mentioned below:

Photo Booth installed by Creative Club at the campus garden is shown in Fig 3

Fig 3: Photo Booth by Creative Club

 Creative Installation by Creative Club using CD waste from the campus is shown in  Fig 4

Fig 5: Installation by Creative Club

Portraits of entrepreneurs created by Creative Club are shown in Fig 6

Fig 6:  Creative Club

Paper Art Installation at campus by IEDC Creative Club is shown in Fig 9.7.B.p

Fig 9.7.B.p: Creative Club

  • Media Club

“Creative Media” is the motto of the IEDC media club. The club is also collaborating with Channel I’m with a I’M STARTUP STUIO initiative, the student reporters will be reporting various innovations from the campus.

Students reporting news from the campus is shown Fig 9.7.B.q

Fig 9.7.B.q: Media Club

  • Future Tech Club

Club aims to create awareness about future technologies like Augmented Reality, Virtual reality, block chain, brain computer interface etc. Future lab of Kerala Startup mission facilitates the club. Club is acting as a platform for peer-skill sharing and self learning initiative in various next generation technologies.

AR experience event at Sahrdaya is shown in Fig 9.7.B.r

Fig 9.7.B.r: Future Tech Club

  • Podcast Club

Podcast club is promoting creative educational podcasts under the banner all about nothing in google podcast, spotify and Instagram

  • Eco Club                            

 An upgrade from Nature Club at school level, ECO Club is introduced with an aim to conserve   natural resources and teach the importance of the environment to the future generations. ECO Club activities are focussed on providing sufficient time for students to interact and learn from nature itself. The logo of Eco Club is shown in Fig 9.7.B.s

Fig 9.7.B.s: Logo of Eco Club