
Students can apply for Revaluation and answer script copy of B.Tech S3 (Minor) Exam Dec 2020 answer scripts up to 21-05-2022, Saturday A project team from S8 BME got first prize in the National Project Competition organised by The National Institute of Engineering , Mysore and Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers. Title : ‘Mirror Therapy Based Hand Rehabilitation’ Read More…


One of our project teams from S8 CSE has won 2 prizes last week.The project was on “Gaming Bike” guided by Dr.Satheesh Kumar,HOD CSE.The team members are Melroy Denny,Sreerag T,Paul K Joy & Sooraj Nandan.The project won 1st Prize in Srishti 2022,a National Level competition held at Saintgits college,Kottayam.Also won 2nd prize in a Tech fest conducted at Jyothi Engineering college TRead More…