Category: Announcements
S7 University Exam Toppers
Mr. Alex K Joseph, Mr. Jomon Jose and Mr. Abith K B from 2021-2025 batch become the toppers of S7 university exams Read More…
Internship for EEE Students
16 students of Department of EEE from 2021-2025 batch got six-month internship with stipend at various companies. Read More…
Congratulations on emerging as the Topper
Mr. Steve Stanly, 2022-26 batch, became the topper in Intel AI Awareness and Foundation Course. Read More…
The list of the book scheme for the III rd, , Vth and VII th semesters is published on the library notice board. The students can collect the books from the library at the earliest.
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NRI Admissions 2024-2025
Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology invites expression of interest (EoI) for B. Tech Non-Resident Indian (NRI) category seats. Eligible candidates, sponsored by NRIs, are welcome to apply for these seats. To apply, candidates should access the official website at and proceed with the online submission of their Expression of Interest (EoI) for tRead More…
Research Innovation Programme for Women startups (Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering)
Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology (SCET), Thrissur in association with Kerala Startup Mission has introduced the “Research Innovation Programme for Women startups” Scheme to promote and handhold bright women researchers across the state in the areas of Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. The Scheme is implemented through the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), the governmentRead More…
Alumni Meet for 2010,2011,2012 pass out students on 31st December 2022@10 am
Dear Alumnus, A happy memory is a hiding place for “unforgotten treasures”. Don’t count the years…count the memories. Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out. On 31st December 2022 @10am, Sahrdaya college of Engineering and Technology is organizing an ALUMNI MEET for the 2010, 2011, 2012 pass-out students. You are cordially invited with your family, back to yoRead More…
The results of B.Tech (minor) S4 Exam July 2021 (2019 admn) are published. Last date for submitting the Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 03-12- 2022(Saturday). Students can submit the request and pay the fee through student login only. (Fee payment through the college office will not be available.) The results of B.Tech S1 (S,FE) S2 (S) Exam May 202Read More…
The final list of book schemes for the 1st semester is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books in the first & final list on or before 8th Dec 2022.
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