Translational research seeks to produce more meaningful, applicable results that directly benefit human health and there by translates basic science discoveries more quickly and efficiently into practice. Research Innovation Network Kerala (RINK) an initiative of Kerala Startup Mission, aims to bring Research Institutions, Startups, Investors, Industry and Government agencies into a common digital platform and thereby provide an opportunity for the researchers to transform their sate of art research products into commercial enterprises. The program will provide active translational support for the impactful ideas from academia by identifying the potential research outcomes with commercial viability.
In our expedition to build Kerala as the innovation capital of the country, we cordially invite all the mentoring minds of the state to join us for the bootcamp on “Research Innovation Network Kerala (RINK)-Research Translation & Commercialisation” organized by Kerala Start up Mission & Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center, Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology.
This bootcamp aims to impart awareness and encouragement for the academic community to map the research outcomes with commercialisation possibilities and to develop the culture of entrepreneurship among the young researchers. We promise to create a revolutionary state of mind among the participants through inspiring and motivating sessions by our eminent speakers.