Session on Technical Paper Writing

The Research Scholars of the Department of Biotechnology and the faculty members of various departments had conducted sessions on Technical Paper writing for the third year students on 24th February, 27th February and 2nd March 2023. Research Scholars Ms. Pooja Das Manjulabhai, Ms. Nivya R M and Ms. Sumi Maria Babu were the resource persons for the sessions which were conducted for the DepartmentRead More…

National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM)

The National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) under the initiative of the Government’s “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” is a pan-India ambitious mission aims to provide awareness on intellectual property and its rights to public .As a part of this Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology in association with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management, GovernmRead More…

Product Development Training by Zaara Biotech LLC

Zaara Biotech is providing a product development training program which is intended for students in life science fields, with an aim to provide the right knowledge and experience to assist them in producing a product that is suitable for the market and take them to the next level. Students from our college participated in it coming out with various food products that have high market value. This Read More…