
CAT1 examination for S3,S5,S7 starts on 02/11/2022. It is hereby notified that Answer book copy / revaluation of B.Tech S1 (R,S) Exam Dec 2021 (2019 scheme) is now open in the KTU e governance portal. Last Date for submitting Answer book copy/ Revaluation request and Fee Payment is 25-10-2022 (Tuesday).  Students can submit the request and pay the fee through student login only.  (Fee pRead More…


The Internal Complaints Cell (Women’s Cell) of our college is conducting their first program of the year 2022-2023 towards Women empowerment and health .This program is arranged for the girl students of  S3 BT, S5BT, S3 BM and S5 EC today during 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm Today, the Placement Cell has arranged for a scholarship test by TIME Institute. The test will be from 2.20 pm to 03.15 pm forRead More…